Chapter 2

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Moments that are never forgotten...

Rita Ji POV

It's been a long since I saw Shehnaaz, my daughter. Every day I think about her, I know it's not Shehnaaz fault that she hides her past from Sidharth.

If she has any problem and grudges with us or this marriage she never told me about her truth and feelings on the next morning of her wedding.

I either know it's not also Sidharth's fault too and I am punishing him without no talking to him. I know he is broken too. But it's not that I am not talking to him. It's because of my guilt, that I also not make him understand her. If he gave that security to her she never thinks to lie to him. I know the day before when we are leaving for Canada, that night she told me. That she's going to tell everything to him in few days. She told me how much she loves him.

Shehnaaz also guilty that she lied to him. She also ready if after that truth he wants to left her so she going to leave.

Everything changed in our life after her. I know Sidharth is still finding her. He also tries to find her in her maternal home.

Hope she's doing good and meet us soon...

Niya POV

I never knew that when Bhabhi told Bhai about her, he threw her out of the house. I can understand Bhai's feelings but threw your wife from home without listening to anything. Without hearing her side of words. That what she going through.

I know it's her fault too. And she hides that only from Bhai's because there not so in life at that time. We all know about their relationship is starting. Her sleeping in a different room we knew all of that. Bhai thinks nobody knows. He thinks mom doesn't know. She found out when they were on there, Istanbul trip. That makes her angry at him. But she didn't say anything because of their private matter.

But Bhai did wrong to send her out of our life. I am angry at him because he makes her to left us. If I am not wrong, I know he makes her move without listening to anything. I know my Bhai and his anger when he found a lier.

I hope shehnaaz is happy. I hope she came back. For us for Bhai. I can't see Bhai more like that. He is showing that he's fine but I know him very well. That he's dying from inside of guilt.

Kushal POV...

Bhai and the terms of our changes. We talk less. In-office also he behaved like rude Boss. I know that he always like that in the office but he is way ruder.

I want to talk to him. Many time I try to hear his side. But he makes the wall around him. I worried about him. It's been 2 years now. He's still sawing there bedroom door every night remembering her. I hope she's with us. I hope and pray she will be fine.

I am missing my family, those old days we make launched and dinner together.

Sidharth POV...

I am still missing her after trying every day I still miss her. I found her everywhere. I try but she vanished.

Not finding her anywhere that gave me chill. Hope she's fine. She didn't hurt her self. If she did anything to her self I can't live any more. I didn't pray in my life. But thinking about her and thought if she hurt herself that doesn't let me sleep at nights.

Tomorrow, my old friend having a party and he invites me and my family to his home. I thinking of not going anywhere but I thought changing the atmosphere will change our mood. For the last 2 years, we didn't go anywhere. Now it's time to move. To think more about my family.

After work, I went home and met maa. I know she didn't answer me but I have to remind her about tomorrow.

"Maa, please be ready for tomorrow's party and you to Nita and Kushal," ... I said and move to the stairs.

"Bhai wait, Have some dinner?"... I heard Kushal and I turn.

"Come Sidharth have some food," ... I heard maa. That gave me a shock I move to the dining table.

I silently sit, and maa serve me food. I felt a tear on my face. Then I saw maa, she wipe my tear with her thumb. I hug her and she hugs me back. After a few minutes, I started eating. We didn't say anything to each other about that feeling and our tears said it all.

From the corner, if my eye I saw smiling Niya and grinning Kushal. God... I missed my munchkins. After dinner, everyone went to there rooms and slept.

Next morning after waking up I felt so light. Finally maa talk to me at least a few words but she did. I smiled and went to the bathroom for getting ready to go to the party tonight.

Shehnaaz POV...

Day by day my work schedule is getting busiest. Because Jay instructed me to prepare everything for Adhya's engagement.

Everything is done and I get some time to breathe. I went to check Adhya. When I heard,

"Bhuji ma," ... Mehar calls loudly and runs towards me.

"Don't run Mehu baby," ... I said in a worried tone. And she came and no on my arms. I quickly pick her up.

"Where were you all the time you didn't come to meet me, I am anger," ... She said with making a pout.

I smile and kiss her cheeks and said,

"Sorry, Mehu bhuji ma was busy sweetheart,' ... I said while making her laugh.

She laughs and starts giggling. We both went to Adhya's room. I knock and went in and saw her talking on the phone she smiled and try to tell me to sit.

After some time we discussed everything that she wants for her engagement. She said everything is fine. And thanks to me that I already prepared everything before. Now there is no need for anything.

Talking to Adhya and Mehar I left their home. Mahhi was busy in some meeting. So I didn't disturb her.

Today I went home early after checking everything. I came home and check Rama Auntie. She seems fine.

From last night she's having a fever. But now she's fine there is no temperature.

I relaxed for one hour maybe. Before leaving I have to cook some food for Rama Auntie too.

Thank you so much and for giving me those sweet comments.


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Koko Rao

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