Chapter 12

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"Don't cry because it's over. Smile
Because it happened."

- Dr Seuss


Last night Naaz told me a secret or I can tell the truth that I didn't know. She tries to tell me many times, but I didn't respond. Because of me, she faces that situation. If I was there with her nothing happened.

I am so happy but sad at the same moment. She tried to comfort me, but I left her apartment. I need time to think. My mind was stuck with many thoughts. I remember that day when she came to me last time. I remember she tried saying something, but I stop her and threw many bad words at her, I know that because of my anger I said many bad words. But I only remember her last word.

"I love you only,"...

I smiled and go back to her apartment. I ring the doorbell thinking that she loves me as I do. She already lost many close ones, but not anymore. I mean my family were there for her always. But we can not took place of her mom.

Niya open the door, I move into the living room saw everyone. They were looking at me with their questioning eyes. I nod. And said.

"Kushal you took everyone home and Rama Auntie too, I want to spend some alone time with her,"...... I said and he nods with a teasing smile.

Maa came and hug me. She was happy to see me back. I know she thought that I didn't come back like last time. And after a few minutes, everyone left. Maa and Rama Auntie gave us blessing before leaving.

I look towards her room and move there. I know she was in the room. I know she was still crying thinking it's all her fault. I want to tell her no its not her fault at all. It's our destiny. But we have to be strong.

I opened the door and look at her. She raised her head and see me. I smile and move to her and make her stand. She looked at me like a Deja Vu. She touches my face with her palms. I smile and hug her and left the breath.

She felt relaxed. I can feel tears on my neck. I see her face again and clear her tears with the tip of my thumbs.

"Now it's time to smile baby,"... I said,

She smiled and said,

"You are not angry at me"...

Never in my dreams, baby,".... He said,

They hug again, she kissed his chest and he kissed her head. He looks into her eyes and kisses her forehead, her nose and cheeks one with one. That makes her blush like a tomato.

He was about to kiss her but she stops and said,

"Everyone is out there they were waiting for us,"...

He gave her a smirk and said,

"I send everyone home with Kushal,"...

After finishing his sentence he smiled at her and wink. She blushes more and bends her head down. He put his index finger under her chin and raised her head. Looking into her eyes, He kissed her lips. He gave her assurance, that He didn't leave her again. He hugs again and admires the room.

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