Prologue: Tragedy strikes but a new life begins

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(No POV)

Our story begins in a house where we see baby Y/N playing with a black cat named Yua.

Our story begins in a house where we see baby Y/N playing with a black cat named Yua

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Yua was such a wonderful cat but only to baby Y/N

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Yua was such a wonderful cat but only to baby Y/N. To everyone else, while she wasn't aggressive she was however cold to everyone both family and stranger, not listening to their snapping fingers the first time, only bothering them for food or when Y/N is making a fuss, and hissing at them when they get to close to Y/N or taking him away. The parents have no clue why she does this but got use to it, but today was not a normal day for all parties involved. You see, Y/N's parents are scientists and was given a task from the government to experiment with human and animal DNA to create genetically engineered half-breeds of living beings to serve as subjects for project 'Demi', whatever that is. While the two were playing with a ball, mom took baby Y/N for feeding but when she got close to grabbing him.

* Angrily Meows*

*Hissing instantly*

But she got him without being scratched for once as it had happen multiple times that she lost count.  

Mom- oh come on Yua, you know I have to feed him and besides what can you do? Don't worry, I won't be long and I'll let you two go back to your fun.

*Low growl*

Mom- Then I'll take that as a sign of "ok".

Baby Y/N was wiggling around in her arms while pointing at Yua and happily babbling.

Mom- *chuckle* Don't worry honey, you'll be back for your little playdate as soon as you eat~.

Y/N- *Laughing* *blowing soft raspberry*. 

Yua let out a soft meow in Y/N's direction and went to her bed under his crib. She already misses him and even though she is a cat, it seems that she has one wish and that wish is to care for Y/N and love him like her own offspring. Well, that was about to change and not in the way Yua expects.

(Mom's POV)

(A/N note- I decided not to give them names or pictures cause you know...they won't be a part of the book for very long, so sorry but not really.)

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