Chapter 2- Taking care of Intruders.

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(Male 1/Male 2 POV)

We waited for a long time to make sure they were both asleep in order to not screw this up. Just then, both lights went off and there was silent inside and we were ready to begin our plan. 

Male 1-*Whisper* OK, got everything?

Male 2- *Yes I do, now lets get rid of a brat and get our cat~*

We picked the front door lock and opened the door, thank god this place doesn't have any trigger alarms which means that this is going to be a bit easy than I thought. We went up the hallway and tried to concentrate on finding which room they were in. Not long after, we heard snoring not too loud and purring? Oh right, that cat woman is doing that, well we cant wait to hear more from her when we get her and tell her on command to purr. But first, we take care of a brat. I got the rag in my hand and we tipped toed inside the room making sure not to wake her up.

*Yua wiggling around the bed and mumbling.*

Male 1- *Shit*

Male 2- *Chill down, look*

We looked at her and she went still again, we breath out of relief but now it was time to do it.

We looked at her and she went still again, we breath out of relief but now it was time to do it

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I carefully picked up the brat and begin to slowly put the rag in his mouth.

I carefully picked up the brat and begin to slowly put the rag in his mouth

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Male 1/Male 2- *Night night stupid brat~.*

But as soon the rag touched his mouth a bit, we heard something horrifying.

We heard low but loud growing and screams from her, but then she got up from the bed and looked up dead in the eyes with murder on it when she saw us holding the kid and the rag. She let out hissing at us and got out of the bed while walking towards us slowly but with an extremely furious face on her.

Yua- Give. Me. My. Kitten.....RIGHT NOW.

We were scared of her and didn't what to do. Then her nails grew long and looked very sharp like knives.

My Human Kitten~ (Yandere Neko Mother X child reader)Where stories live. Discover now