Chapter 1- Settling in your new home and mommy.

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(No POV)

As Yua was strolling Y/N, he was starting to get cranky along the way so Yua took him out of the stroller and was rocking him gently and humming a tune she heard from one of his music box some time ago

Yua- *soft humming*

It was working and he was starting to get sleepy but not without letting out a small sneeze. 

Y/N- *baby sneeze*

Yua- *Giggle* bless you my kitten~.

She seated him back in the stroller and soon enough he went to sleep. Just the look of him sleeping was just so cute. She already made a vow to protect him no matter what the cost, but she made a new promise and that promise is to never show Y/N her other self at all, she doesn't want her kitten to be scared of her or even worse hate her. No, she will not let that happen... ever. She knows that juggling to learn about human life and raising a baby will be no walk in the park, but thanks to her ability of fast learning she didn't know she has, she will learn almost all of the things she needs to know in a reasonable time. As she was thinking about the future, she then remembered that she needed to buy some baby food for Y/N.

Yua- I may need to go to those stores that sells baby food in case Y/N wakes up from his nap.

So she went off to search for a convenience store.

(Yua's POV)

I went looking for those small stores that humans go to to buy all kinds of stuff and I hope that they have food suited for Y/N. Then once I buy the necessary stuff I need then we are off to our new home and that home once belonged to those neglecting kitten bastards. Before I left their room, I saw a paper that showed an address to a cottage home they owned along with a paper map of the surrounding areas. I knew right away that this would be our home forever, it had a huge forest area and a small city just a few miles away where I can get more supplies for his needs and wants, also to take him out for special occasions. This is going perfect so far, all we need to do is travel for a couple for hours until we arrive at our home, I can hardly wait~. But first, the small store is first. 

(Timeskip, 20 minutes later)

I finally arrived at the store and went inside to search for my kitten's food. 

I have to admit it was nice and it had a lot of stuff inside but that wasn't important, what's important is my kittens food

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I have to admit it was nice and it had a lot of stuff inside but that wasn't important, what's important is my kittens food. I searched around for quite some time becoming a little frustrated  not finding what I needed. but after a few more minutes of searching, I found a product that was called "Gerber life baby food". Yes!! This was the perfect food for Y/N, I picked up quite a few products and by the time I was done, I had the basket half full of food for him.

 Yes!! This was the perfect food for Y/N, I picked up quite a few products and by the time I was done, I had the basket half full of food for him

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My Human Kitten~ (Yandere Neko Mother X child reader)Where stories live. Discover now