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The soft clicking of horseshoes against the rocky terrain mingled with the gentle crackling of the fire marshals carried by the soldiers, creating an atmosphere that seemed to thin the air around them. Despite the brightness of the full moon, they kept a fire burning to ward off the chill of the night. The horses, weary from the long journey, were in need of rest after traveling far from the northwest gate.

Bheem flicked the reins, urging the horse forward, leaving Rajiv behind. As they ascended a rocky outcrop, the horse reached the edge, revealing a breathtakingly beautiful scenery below.

Before them stretched a vast lake, enveloped by denser, thicker foliage than the terrain they had traversed moments earlier. The full moon cast a mesmerizing reflection upon its surface, lending an enchanting quality to the scene. In the distance, silhouetted hills rose, their peaks bathed in the silvery glow of the moonlight, while their bases melted into the darkness of the night. To call it beautiful would be an understatement; it was not merely beautiful, but truly magnificent.

"They did mention a lake around here; rumors even claim it possesses magic," Rajiv's voice drifted from behind as he gradually rode up beside Bheem.

"It certainly appears enchanting," Bheem remarked, his brow furrowing slightly, his features sharply defined against the moonlit backdrop.

"Perhaps it truly does! Who's to say?" Rajiv's enthusiasm was infectious, eliciting a chuckle from Bheem at his friend's adventurous spirit.

"You have no idea of the tales I've heard! We'll find out for ourselves soon enough. Let's go!" With a nod and a laugh, Bheem took in every detail of the heavenly scene before signaling the soldiers to descend. They would likely make camp near the lake for the night.


The lake proved to be even calmer and more serene than they had anticipated. A cool breeze wafted through the air, prompting a tired yawn from Bheem. Despite his exhaustion, he found himself unable to drift off to sleep.

Observing Rajiv, who seemed as energetic as ever while inspecting something in the lake's water, Bheem couldn't help but wonder how his companion remained so alert. Was fatigue catching up with him already? It seemed unlikely, considering he didn't feel that old.

"Captain!" Bheem's attention snapped to a soldier hurrying toward him, his expression fraught with urgency. As the soldier approached, Bheem's smile faded upon seeing the distress etched on his face. Behind him, a group of soldiers bore the weight of a wounded comrade, clad in their uniform.

Rushing to the fallen soldier's side, Bheem knelt beside him, his heart sinking at the sight before him. The young soldier lay on the ground, coughing violently, his body wracked with pain. Despite his youth, he displayed a remarkable resilience amidst his dire condition. Blood seeped from his waist and mouth, staining his uniform and spilling onto the ground, a grim testament to the severity of his injuries. He was in a truly harrowing state.

"Get some clothes and water! We need to dress his wounds!" Bheem's command echoed through the camp, prompting soldiers to scramble into action, some fetching supplies while others hurried to collect water from the nearby lake. Rajiv, who had been preoccupied with the lake moments before, rose to his feet, his shock mirroring Bheem's own.


"Stay calm. You're safe now," Bheem reassured him gently.

"The lake... enemies... disappear by morning..." the wounded soldier managed to gasp out between labored breaths.

"We're here now. Take deep breaths. You're safe," Bheem urged, his tone soothing.

"Water..." the soldier croaked, coughing up more blood, eliciting a horrified reaction from Bheem.

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