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Hi my name is Aubrey and this is my story on how I was kidnapped by my uncle as a punishment for what my mother had apparently done in her past...

It was like every other day in the basement I didn't know what the weather was like, what day it was or even what month or year it was to be truly honest I didn't even no fully how old I was. You see when I was one year old I was kidnapped by my uncle he would tell me the story every day while I was growing up which I always thought was strange as he was my kidnapper surly they keep everything so secretive... well nope not this man he told me in detail what my mother looked like and what she did as a job even about when they were younger. Most nights I longed for my mothers touch even though I knew I wasn't young I craved a hug from my mother when I was feeling down or scared. The way Uncle Ed described my mother I knew she was beautiful with her brown hair and her light brown eyes I would imagine her having a warm embrace when ever I felt like I needed her, today was definitely one of those days I hadn't seen uncle Ed for what felt like ages, isn't it ironic the person who was kidnapped was worried about her kidnapper. Suddenly I could hear loud bangs from upstairs and what sounded like him shouting... then the loud echoing of him booming down the stairs circled the basement "you up now we need to leave now!" Wait why I had never left the house before why now what has happened.... "uncle what's happened" he glared at me and I quickly stood up and walked towards him, he grabbed my arm tightly and dragged me up the stairs he had never physically hurt me before so this scared me a lot and then I was hit by a bight light which I could only make out to be a street light and then I was shoved into the back of a car and told to shut up and drink the bottled stuff... I was not about to argue with him in this much anger and did what I was told then laid against the window and looked out the dark sky was lit up by bright stars... so many stars. My eyes started to grow heavy and my breathing start to slow down, I tried to fight sleep so badly as I wanted to see where we were going but it was no good each eye roll got longer and longer till they remained shut.

I couldn't open my eyes fully but could hear screaming it sounded like Uncle Ed and maybe two ladies then I heard the car door open and slam shut and then the engine started up I knew if I didn't force my eyes open now I would never know where we were. The light was so bright but I managed to force them open and I saw a giant white building I'd never seen one so big before and a sign saying " Lucia State Hospital" hmm a hospital then I saw her a lady running towards the car with brown hair and light brown hair and all the features Edmond had described to me. A small cry escaped my mouth "mother" I heard Edmond gasp and his head whipped round "I thought I told you to shut up and close your eyes again this second" I didn't want to I wanted to stare at her Soak up what she looked like was this really my mother, the woman I longed for my whole life... please don't loose me again mother I need you. Then her face disappeared and a tear rolled down my face... I'd lost her all over again and darkness hit all over again like it always does.

I felt the tightness around my arm again and then I was pulled from the car and because i wasn't full awake my lower half of my body hit the ground with a thud jolting my eyes opening and a scream leaving my mouth "shut the hell up will you" why was he like this all of a sudden why didn't he just leave me in my basement like all them other years I didn't enjoy been in there but it was better than this I had seen my mother for the first time then taken away all over again at least last time I was too young to remember. I heard the door slam behind us and I saw two bed in a small room, " we will be staying in this hotel room for now and I swear you run and I will kill you don't think I won't" I nodded slowly and crawled into the bed and laid quietly, I so need to escape I know he said he'd kill me but I must not be to far from that hospital and then my mother can save me and I can finally be with her and even if I fail and he does catch me anything has got to be better than here with Edmond, I wonder why my mother is here I'm sure uncle Ed said she was living in Mexico. Did she find out where I was hidden and come back for me?! My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Edmond slam the door and lock it... nows my chance I ran to the bathroom and smashed the pathetically weak window with a fist, I winced in pain and climbed up and jumped. I felt the ground make contact with my feet rather quickly... I'm on ground floor of course I didn't go up no steps... Oh my goodness I'm outside on my own, I made a dash for the woods so I wouldn't be easily spotted I needed to find Lucia State Hospital.

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