Part 8

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I thought I was going to struggle to fall asleep but the second my head hit the pillow I was out cold. The event from that day had well and truly worn me out and knowing My parents were next door, Edmond was locked away and Jude was safe in a house just settled me and for the first time in a very long time I slept all night, without waking up sweating or screaming.... just peace. The sun was shining through meaning I'd slept in as well but no panic arose as there was no need to it was only Gwen and Mildred and they probably needed the lie in just as much as I did. I pushed myself up of the bed and walked into the bathroom and turned the taps on for the bath and added some salts and bubbles into the tub, I quickly removed my clothes and stepped into it and slowly sank down letting the heat and bubbles consume me. Closing my eyes and having a soak is what I needed, I laid there until the water became cold and I got out and wrapped myself in my robe and walked back into my room. I picked out a Pearl colour dress out and a pair of white shoes, as I brushed my hair into a messy bun I hear a little tap at the door "hi?" Gwen came in my room "hi Darling, just thought I'd check up on you, your Ma is flat out still" I smiled and watched her walk and sit on the edge of the bed "I'm doing alright just had a lovely soak in the bath, didn't know how much tension I had build up" I sighed feeling sorry for myself a bit and I had gotten so lost I didn't hear Gwen move till I felt her hand on my back "it's normal to have a build up of emotions, we have all had a tough time but more so you Darling we are all worn out and deserve some fun, I was thinking about booking the little hotel we used to live down in Mexico when you were younger and take a nice long two weeks away stress free and finally getting to spend some family time together" oh that sounded wonderful and I had never had a holiday before and I really wanted to spend time with them as a family. "That sounds wonderful have you spoke to Ma about it?" Gwen grinned "I was thinking about surprising her I've spoken to Betsy about it and she thinks it's a fabulous idea and well deserved, would you like it though?" I nodded so she knew I was meaning it as well Gwen always needed that bit of reassurance and needed to know that me and Mildred always meant what we said. We went downstairs and started making pastry's for breakfast and I made a cup of tea "would you like a cup Ma?" She smiled "is that even a question darling, ah good morning my sleeping beauty" I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned round to Mildred who pulled me into a tight hug and started playing with a strand of my hair "morning Ma" I felt her relax against me "I will always love hearing you say that, morning beautiful" I smiled and pulled back "would you like a cup of tea? Oh and nice bed hair". This caused Gwen to burst into laughter "you must of been in a deep sleep Millie you didn't move when I moved you of me" she brushed her fingers threw her hair "hush the pair of you, yes I would love some tea and yes I had a good night sleep I was exhausted and had my two favourite girls under the same roof as me safe" she made a humph sound and turned on her heel to go get ready but not before giving me a smirk and a wink.

After breakfast Gwen and Mildred laid on the couch while Gwen read the paper and I went outside with my third cup of tea and pulled a blanket around me letting the breeze blow the little strands that had fallen out of hair around my face, taking a deep breath in I put my cup down next to me once I had finished and laid back against the hard floor enjoying the peace, the only sound around me was the wind and in the far distance was Gwen and Mildred talking and every so often one of them giggling. I must of nodded off for a few minutes before I heard Mildred sit down next to me "hi Doll, how are you doing?" I opened my eyes and smiled "hi, I'm strangely fine, just enjoying the peace it's felt like a life time since everything just stood still, if you understand what I mean?" She laid her head next to mine "I do, I used to love nothing more than been able to lie and look up at the clouds when I was in the foster system i used to make shapes out of the clouds and make stories up, always used to calm me down after a bad day". I just hummed in response enjoying this moment quiet but not lonely.

Me and Mildred laid there until Gwen came out and asked us if we wanted to go out for something to eat which we more than gladly accepted, quickly got ourselves freshened up and set off, the drive seemed to last ages but when we pulled up Mildred gasped "Oh Gwen, we haven't been here for a while" I looked out the window "is this place a special place for yous or do yous just like it here" Gwen got out and opened the door for me and rushes round to get Mildred's before she can open her own door "this is where I first brought your mother and quite frequently after, although never ask her if she'd like a nightcap and take her for one she will leave you standing there... alone" Mildred playfully tapped her shoulder "hey that was one time and I wasn't sure of who I was back then" I laughed at both of them as we started to make our way towards the restaurant after been seated we ordered some drinks and food, they shared oysters and the smell made my stomach do twists "I think I'll pass thank you but enjoy them" they laughed at me "you don't no what your missing out on missy" I turned my face up, I don't want to know either. After a while Gwen spoke "miss Ratched when we get back you need to pack a suitcase, no questions asked okay" she looked at Gwen with a puzzled look and went to say something before Gwen cut her off "no questions asked darling okay?" Mildred looked at me and I pulled a confused face back knowing if I looked like I understood she'd ask me questions, in the end she just nodded and laughed at Gwen. We finished our drinks and our meal, Gwen paid and we drove back and did exactly what Gwen asked packed a suitcase with no questions asked and then I changed into nightwear and flopped into bed hoping for another night of undisturbed sleep looking forward to the new chapter that lies ahead of us.

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