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Again really sorry that this is taking so long to write symptoms of Covid is definitely settling still getting severe migraine, back ache and struggling to breathe at times but please bare with me. Binge watched this entire season yesterday still obsessed as the first time I watched it 😍

As I thought not a single bit of sleep was left in me I just laid there in darkness staring at the ceiling, but I couldn't help feel a bit happy for the first time since escaping Ed I felt calm like don't get me wrong I know he could turn up at any moment and rip my dream to pieces but for now I had my parents so close to me for the first time and I genuinely believed them when they said they wouldn't let anything bad happen, I looked over to the bed side table 4am and I could hear someone walking down the stairs, I wonder who else is struggling to sleep. I decided to get up wrap the dressing gown around me and walk slowly downstairs, I saw Mildred stood in the kitchen making a tea I tapped gently on the door to not frighten her "oh hi they Aubrey can't sleep either kid" I smiled and shook my head "I don't ever sleep very much anyway but just don't want to close my eyes Incase this is a dream and I haven't found yous" I knew I sounded daft but also knew how important honesty was going to be to get us all back to been a strong family "tea?" I nodded "yes please Mildred" I saw the pain in her eyes when I called her Mildred but I can't remember what I used to call her or if I was old enough to even call them anything.

"can I ask a question" I asked while we took our tea to the couch "of course you can ask me anything and I will try answer best I can honey" I smiled "so before Edmond took me what did I call yous?" This made Mildred smile "I was Ma and Gwen was mam, most beautiful words I had ever heard it made me remember that I finally had a proper family" I looked at her "you still do you know, I know he's took time away from us but we still got back to each other I would love to have a close bond with yous again and try forgot what he did to us, that's if that's what you want I understand if it's difficult" and then I felt a warm embrace "you don't understand how much I've missed you while you've been missing from my life your like that jigsaw piece that you need to complete the picture, you are and will always be the most important person in this house to me and Gwen" a tear escaped my eye "I used to wish for hugs from you every time I was sad or upset, imagine what they would be like" I felt her play with my hair again soothing me "that always soothes me I don't know why" I looked up at Mildred "it used to when you were a baby when you cried second me or Gwen played with you hair you settled straight down" suddenly I heard Gwen's voice "It did didn't it, she always loved to be held or hugged solved every problem" I laughed "well I'm starting to understand why" Gwen walked closer "may I join you to beautiful ladies to a cup of tea at 4:30am" I laughed and nodded making room for her on the couch.

We sat there for hours talking about the short memories they got to make with me before Edmond stole me, I nearly forgot all my problems until the light shone brightly in my eye "oh wow it's morning already" I said Mildred sighed and looked over at the clock "I best make some breakfast and head out to work" Gwen stood up "I'll make breakfast after all not like I have a job at this moment of time" she laughed and went to go make breakfast "I wish we could stay here for ever in this moment catching up I've never felt so safe and happy before" Mildred smiled "I wish we could to baby but I must go get ready other wise we won't even have a couch to sit on" I smiled and joined Gwen in the kitchen watching her make pancakes "oo my favourite not had them in ages" my mouth watering at the smell of pancakes. Gwen laughed "they were always you favourite when you were younger and your Ma's as well with bacon" oh the thought of this breakfast made my stomach rumble loudly Gwen laughed "someone's hungry" I heard Mildred say from behind me I nodded as we sat down and ate breakfast together as a family discussing what the days plans were... like a proper family... something I hope I would never loose.

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