Chapter 12: Warning the Others

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A robotic chao with a propellar on his head and a wind-up key on his back named Omochao was exploring Forest Hill when he heard a spanking sound. He followed to where the sound came from worried that someone was in danger.

When he arrived, the sound came from the same cottage he attended for the sisters' birthday party. He looked through the window and got horrified that Aleyah was beating Runa for unknown reasons to her.

"Uh-oh. I have to warn the others", he said as he flew off to warn the others.

In Tails' workshop...

Tails was still working on a new invention that can help detect any enemies known and unknown when Sonic swooped in to greet him, "Hey, Tails!".

"Oh, hey Sonic! I was working on my new invention that can detect any enemy known and unknown", Tails told him.

"That's great, Tails! What's it called?", asked Sonic.

Tails scratched his head answering,"Well, I haven't come up with a name yet, but-".

It was cut off by Omochao telling them,"Hey, guys! I've been looking for you everywhere!".

"Why? Is there something wrong?", asked Tails.

That's when he told them the same warning about Aleyah beating Runa for unknown reasons.

"Oh no! That's not good!", exclaimed Tails,"And plus, that's not how someone treats their own sibling!".

"We have to warn the others before it's too late!", said Sonic.

Before anyone can reply, he sped off to warn Amy. Then, Omochao and Tails headed off to call the Chaotix.

In Amy's house...

"Say what?! Aleyah is beating her own sister?!", Amy asked Sonic, who warned her about the same situation he heard.

"Yes and Runa's got beaten for some reason", answered Sonic.

Amy gasped horrifyingly,"We have to warn everyone else!".

"I agree. We need all the help we can get", said Sonic as they headed off to Angel Island to warn Knuckles.

In the Chaotix Detective Agency Office...

Vector got a call from Tails, who warned him about the same situation he heard from Omochao.

"What?!?! That can't be true!", he exclaimed.

"Yes, it is!", Tails said in his telephone,"I heard that from Omochao. We're not even sure why, though".

"Well, in that case, we're the Chaotix and as always, we never turn down work that pays!", said Vector as they hung up.

Charmy flew in front of him asking,"What's the matter, Vector?".

"Tails called me saying that Aleyah is beating up Runa for some reason", answered Vector.

Charmy put his hands on his face looking down,"Oh no!".

As for Espio, he stood up from meditating and told them,"And you know that counts as sibling abuse".

"Yeah and we gotta get to the cottage or something worse will happen to Runa", replied Vector.

"Yeah, let's go!", said Charmy as he and Vector headed out of the Chaotix Detective Agency Office.

"Roger", said Espio following them.

In Angel Island...

Knuckles and Rouge seemed to be fighting for the Master Emerald when Sonic and Amy appeared to warn them about Aleyah beating Runa for some reason.

"I should've known our 'so-called' fangirl would do something like this", said Knuckles standing in battle stance.

"So that's why Runa was forced to choose a date", said Rouge recalling to where she and the rest of Team Dark were warned by Mystico, Juniper and Bearace.

"Let's hurry towards the cottage or something worse will happen to her!", suggested Amy.

"You go ahead. I'll warn Shadow and Omega", suggested Rouge as she flew away to look for Shadow and Omega.

They agreed and headed off to the cottage.


Rouge called Shadow and E-123 Omega to warn them that Runa was getting beaten up by Aleyah for unknown reasons. Omega started searching for the same cottage he attended to celebrate the sisters' birthday party while Shadow headed towards that same place to protect Runa from being abused from her own stepsister.

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