Loki's Kids

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Yes, I'm bored. Really bored. Imma do one-shot series. Izz easier. XD And yes, most of this is AU. An AU where everyone gets along fine, and Loki and Jack are blood brothers.


If I did, Loki would be alive DX


{Thor: 1302 years old or 26 Midgardian years oldLoki: 850 years old or 17 Midgardian years oldJack: 734 years old or 15 Midgardian years oldHelblindi: 1403 years old or 28 Midgardian years oldByleistr: 1348 years old or 27 Midgardian years old}

"This is my son, Sleipnir,"

The family stared down at the bundle in Loki's arms, and their jaws dropped. A small dark grey foal with pale silver mane and tail was held by the God of Mischief, with coal black eyes staring up at his... Mother? Father?

"It's... a horse," Thor deadpanned, still in shock.

"A foal, Thor," Loki corrected, rolling his eyes. "Or a child horse,"

"You... have a horse for a child?" Helblindi gaped.

"Yes," Loki nodded.

"YOU GAVE BIRTH TO A HORSE?!" Byleistr cried out.

Loki gulped but gave a nod in response, looking down at his child to avoid their eyes. "...yes,"

Jokul, or Jack as he liked to call himself, stared at his older blood brother for a while before squealing. He snatched Sleipnir from his male mother, causing Loki to cry out warning to be careful, and cuddled him tenderly.

"I'M AN UNCLE!" he cheered then he turned to his older brothers, adoptive and blood. "WE'RE ALL UNCLES!"

Thor, Helblindi and Byleistr blinked at him for a while before their shock ceased into excitement. They rushed to their little brother's side and cooed at the sight of the foal.

Sleipnir seemed to like the attention and let out a baby neigh similar to a giggle, his eight legs 

appearing out from the blanket. The sight caused another round of gasps.

"He has... eight legs?!" Odin and Farbauti's jaw dropped.

"Yes," Loki chuckled, crossing his arms. "Isn't he special?"

"Aye, he is!" Thor grabbed his nephew from Jack's arms and raised him up. "He will be the fastest horse in all of the Nine Realms!"

"Here, here!" Byleistr let out a cheer of agreement.

"A new prince had been born, both of Asgard and Jotunheim!" Helblindi cried out with a grin. 

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