Chapter 33: Indemnification

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After climbing what felt like more than seven flights of stairs, we were on the top floor of the Zootopian Police Department.  From the balcony, I could see that the animal repair crew - mostly consisting of koalas and raccoons - had nearly patched up the last remaining phaser marks I left in the ceiling.   With just a few more brushstrokes of paint, the lobby would be as good as new.

But the Chief didn't drag us all the way up here just to smell the fresh coat of paint.

Rather, we followed the oversized buffalo into his medium-sized office that had windows on both sides of the ornate wooden desk, a dim lamp in the corner, polished award plaques, and an oversized ZPD badge mounted on the wall behind him.

In some ways, it felt like a trip to the colonel's office.

Judy and Nick sat in the same chair like stuffed animals on display at a Build-a-Bear Workshop, whereas I sat in mine like a Black Ops 'sitting bull' soldier but without the Mustang and Sally pistols.

The stocky chief of police sat behind his desk and gave me a long, intense glare.  I couldn't really blame him.  He had a bandaid at the base of his muzzle between his eyes - most likely from when I chucked an empty tranquilizer pistol at his head - and I'm sure he wasn't too fond of it.  No, not one bit.

While we all sat there and didn't speak a single word, we spent the next few minutes listening to the live Zootopian News Network from one of the rolling TV stands.

"In recent news," the moose anchor began, "Dozens of mammals have born witness to the sight of what appears to be a mysterious-looking animal that was spotted just yesterday in the late afternoon throughout Savanna Central."

"That's right, Peter," the female snow leopard spoke

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"That's right, Peter," the female snow leopard spoke.  "Reports indicate that the mystery animal first came out of Central Station before it began roaming the streets.  At this time, very little is known but some have described it as wearing all white and standing as tall as a tiger."

The news report transitioned to witness testimonies and the first was a beaver.  "It just ran past me like a stampede of wildebeests and I've never beheld anything like it,"

"The weirdest thing I had ever seen!" a honey badger commented. 

"I ain't gonna lie, it kinda freaked us out," a thylacine nervously chuckled.

Wait a minute...

The news immediately switched to an aerial street view.   "Surveillance footage also reveals that the mysterious animal was hit by a semi-truck heading eastbound along Acacia Street.  We're looking here at the exact spot where the incident occurred."

The camera panned around a large totaled truck with glass shards and scrap metal scattered all over the asphalt pavement.  The female antelope reporter attentively weaved her way through the traffic cones and pointed out the mess I made.  Never did I imagine it being that bad on camera.

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