|7| Cookie Monster

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I stare at the faded glow in the dark stars that where on my room ceiling. I remember when I was small and just about every other kid in my school was fascinated with glow in the dark stickers and had to have them in my room. A ghost of a smile appears on my lips at my childhood memories. I wonder what all my other 'friends' in South Africa were doing right now. What are they studying? Did they move out or are still staying in South Africa.

I remember vaguely about this one friend in particular. Well from what my 10 year old brain stored about him, he was my best friend that time and we were neighbors. We used to hang out a lot and he was the only person that actually got along with me. The rest are just blurry images and I cant seem to pinpoint who this boy is.

My phone vibrates on the side table and I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. Its pretty late at night, who would message me at this time. Unless its Yasmeen. That's predictable.

Yup it's Yasmeen.

Big Foot 💩

Heyy gurll!
You awake??
Ugh I'm so bored right now.
I can't sleep!!

Hey, you butt. Yes i was asleep. Thanks for waking me up😑😒

Oh hush you. When you sleep it's like you dead.

Yeah yeah. Very funny.

Before I could read Yasmeen's reply my phone vibrates with another notification. I exit from Yasmeen's chat and see who it is.

Unknown Number

Wow. I'm deeply hurt. Read my message and didn't reply. How could you.😭

Uh I'm sorry, but do I know you?

Still has a wonderful memory I see ;)

What do you mean? Who is this?

Okay, hint number 1. I'm a boy.

I roll my eyes. Oh wow, shocker. Next I was going to say you were a human.


Ah patience, my little  cookie monster. 1 clue a day.

Cookie Monster. Where have I heard that name from before? Well obviously you did hear it before, he used to call you it!

I switch my phone off not bothering to reply. I'll reply tomorrow if I get the chance and right now I have to sleep or I'll be a zombie tomorrow morning.


"Honey, Ubaidullah will come fetch you from your classes today. What time are you finishing?"

I think for a while. I only have one lecture today and that's going to be in the next half an hour. I chew the food in my mouth before answering my mother.

"Uh about half past ten or quarter to eleven. I'm only having one lecture today so.." I trail off.

My mother nods before she continues to eat the waffles my father made for her. My mother and father had a bit of a fight this morning and it's nothing new. The small fights here and there didn't really phase me as it was normally about petty things and before you know it they already back to their lovey dovey selves.

I start thinking about how awkward it will be when Ubaidullah comes to fetch me but it's a sacrifice I have to make in order to figure out whether we're compatible or not.

I finish of the last of my cereal and place the bowl in the sink before walking up to my room to change into my clothes for today.

I picked out a simple outfit consisting of skinny black jeans, with a plain black shirt and an olive green jacket to go over. I paired that with my black scarf and olive green sneakers.


After an exhausting and boring lesson today I finally made my way out of the lecture class. As the sun strikes my face, I instantly regret choosing a jacket to wear.

I stand at the entrance of the university in the scorching hot sun and pull my phone out. As I switched it on I saw a missed call from an unknown number and tried making out the foreign number. I shrug, if it was important they'll phone again, and switch it off.

A car hoots and I turn to look at it to see Ubaidullah standing half in and half out of the car, waving for me. I smile and wave in return while making my way to the car.

I take a deep breath. Come on, you can do this. He's just a boy. A boy that might possibly be your future husband and its definitely going to be awkward. No pressure at all.

He walks around and opens the door for me, making my face turn a crimson red. I thank him and sit in the car.

Leather seats, fancy. He jumps in and I roll down the window, feeling hot. He turns and gives me a smile before turning the aircon on.

"Thank you, you don't know what it's like being in a stuffy classroom with the teacher refusing to open any windows in this heat." I chuckle while fidgeting in my seat. That's a good conversation starter right? Hopefully.

"Damn and I thought my professors were bad. They didn't believe in switching any aircons on. Old fashioned."

I let out a small laugh and continue to look at the scenery outside.

"So how's your working at the business?" I ask, turning my attention to Ubaidullah.

He shrugs before replying, "Stressful but at the same not so stressful, because it's my father's, going to be my brother's business, and I don't feel the pressure that others would feel when working for someone they don't know."

I nod in approval. "That's really nice you know. Atleast you don't have to stress about interviews and what to say."

He chuckles in response and we then settle in comfortable silence. Us appreciating each other's company.

"Can I turn on the radio?" I blurt out.

He smiles at me and nods his head. I switch it on and Shawn Mendes voice drifts in the car. I nod my head to the beat, singing the lyrics of the song quietly. Honestly who didn't know the lyrics of this man's songs.

I hear Ubaidullah mutter the lyrics too and I turn to look at him, trying to hold in my laughter. He notices me watching and turn beet red. I laugh in response and he chuckles awkwardly.
I start singing the lyrics a little louder and after a while he joins in and honestly, that's a power move right there.

If I can be my goofy self around him, what more do I need?


Hey guys. (Smiles shyly) it's been a uhm very VERY long time. Sorry for not updating any earlier. I was busy with exams and didn't know what to write in this chapter. I hope this is fine. (Hands out tiny Ian Somerhalders to everyone)

Soo I was thinking of doing something different (not so different). Tell me if you'd like to see a chapter in Ubaidullahs pov and which one or should I wait till I'm further in the book and write a chapter then?

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Happy reading☺

Butterscotch_08 🌈

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