3 - Son, Daughter, Father, Fiend

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      After the main onslaught of the attack, Niklaus and Andorrea had seen no issue in venturing out. Niklaus; to gather painting supplies, and Andorrea, well, simply to venture. 

      Niklaus knelt as mixed berries and tested them on a piece of bark. This time, the result was a lovely purple.

      "Ooh, I like that one." Andorrea marvelled.

      "Yes, it is quite lovely." He agreed. But soon, both of their attention was captured by a scream from behind them. Nodding towards each other, they silently agreed it was ok to investigate. After all, one of the warriors had already told the village it was safe from fiends.

      What they found was more gruesome than anything they had ever seen before, and though Andorrea and Niklaus were two of the bravest in the Mikaelson family, they each felt a shiver of fear at the sight before them

      Bodies lay bloody and beaten across the land, whilst many men were hung from trees or branches by swords piercing their bodies. They all appeared dead, which is why it came as a shock to the two when a man began heaving. 

      Coughs escaped his lips as he raised his head and hand towards the children.

      "Please...Please! Help me. Please..." The man began, and Andy felt pity for him. She would have gone, she would have helped him, but her father appeared from thin air, driving his sword through the man's heart.

      Well, She thought, I can't bloody well help him now, can I?

      Mikael turned and began to advance on his son.

      "You would show mercy to an enemy?!" He Demanded, "A fiend who plotted to raid our home?! Mercy is for the weak, Niklaus...you. Look at you, boy! You are pathetic. If you are determined to prove yourself a weakling, I should cast you out! Better your brother's not be exposed to you, Coward!"

      "Father, he has heard your warning and wisdom. Niklaus will heed them well, But I am your daughter, as he is your son. You are our father, as Esther is our mother, and if you need not speak kindly to us then who needn't, you? Be wise with your words father. But now I believe we are needed by our dearest mother." She called behind her shoulders as she dragged Niklaus along by his arm.

      She didn't need to say it, Nik knew she'd be there for him.

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