4 - Bridges Suck

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      Andorrea watch as her baby sister carved her name into the wall of the cave. Every inch of her was worried that she'd hurt herself, but she tried hard not to let it show. If Andy restricted Bekah from doing manly things, she'd be a hypocrite. 

      "Rebekah..." Klaus' tone held a hint of chastising warning to it as he spoke, "Let me have at it."

      "Quiet, Niklaus." Rebekah hushed him. A proud smile adorned Andy's face as she saw her sister's antics. 

      "She's to have her concentration if she's not to slice off a finger." She teased her big brother.

      "Father will not like you handling a blade."

      Ouch, Andy thought, low blow.

      "If I want to wield a blade, I shall wield a blade." The blonde argued, continuing to etch away at the stone.

      "Father need not know." The eldest girl mused.

      "He will find out. He always does." Niklaus avoided eye contact with his youngest sister as he spoke, knowing he was cutting away at the strings that were her patience. Either her or Andorrea would snap soon.

      "That is because you always tell him!" The girls chorused.

      "I cannot help it, he frightens me." Knowing how much courage it took for her most prideful brother to admit that, Andy placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Rebekah was not so understanding.

      "He frightens us all."

      "That is why we stick together as one." Rea stopped any fighting before it could happen, reminding them of the vow they had made so long ago. "Always and forever."

      "Right, traitor?" Beks smirked evilly, making her sister giggle quietly. Even Niklaus smiled.


      Rebekah held the blade out toward Nik, wearing an innocent expression on her face. Klaus missed the wink she sent to her partner in crime, her sister.

      "Here, you finish, I'm to help Mother with the meal." 

      "Yes, go tend to dinner. Leave the blades to the men, little sisters." Niklaus could feel their eyes boring into his head as he walked toward the cave wall and turned round to take the blade from his baby sister.

      Rebekah had different plans, and after waiting for Andy to walk out first, she swung the blade down into Niklaus' palm. 

      "Ah, Bekah!" He spoke between gritted teeth. 

      "It's just a little blood. Be a man about it." 

      "Thank you." Niklaus whispered before she left. 

      "For piercing you with a blade?" She asked, astonished. Of all things, her brother thanked her for this?

      "For waiting for Rea to leave to do so."

The Mikaelson Sister [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now