5 - No Words

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The young girl giggled as her older brother unearthed the wrong flower yet again.

"Eely," She giggled, "That's Lavender, I make perfume out of Vervain." She explained to him, watching as an embarrassed look took over his features, only to be replaced by a confused one.

"What is the difference, Doe?" He questioned, holding the two plants in opposite hands and examining them as though he were stupid. He was not, of course. But he knew pretending like he was would humour his little sister.

"I use Lavender to freshen our home. I only crush and scatter it. I use Vervain to freshen me, by crushing it into a paste and then thinning it with water." She explained, every naïve little part of her believing Elijah actually needed explaining to. 

"You will still have to explain it to me time and time again." He warned, smiling gently at her. She grinned back with a glimmer of joy in her eyes.

"Sometimes I fear for the men in our family..." She teased, filling up her basket to the brim with the purple flowers.

For a few hours, they lolled around collecting flowers, until it began to grow dark.

"We should probably head back, Doe." Elijah frowned; he had been enjoying his time with his eldest sister.

Rea frowned, as well. All she needed was one more plant, and after telling Elijah this agreed to let her go find it.

She stumbled over tree roots, and and slid down muddy hills, astounded as to how hard it was to find what should be a common plant. Alas, no matter where she looked, she could not find the plant. 

It was not impossible, she told herself as she continued to search high and low, and eventually found a few familiar petals and leaves peeking from behind a bush. But now, she didn't know where she was.

In fact, no matter where she looked, she could not find her way home. Foolishly, she could not remember the route she had taken to arrive where she was.

"Eely!" She called into the darkness. "Elijah?!"

Yet, no one could be seen, no one emerged to help her, and her location did not give itself away.

"Anyone?" She whimpered into the darkness, clutching her small bouquet of flowers to her small frame.

"Someone?" Rea whispered.


The sound echoed around her, sending a chill down her body. She froze in fright, scared that a single movement would endanger her life.


She shivered in fear.

A Howl

Now, that really worried her. A wolf? There were no wolves around here, just...werewolves. But, it couldn't be? Could it?

No, they had only gathered in the caves...a month ago. It was the full moon. As she realised this, tears streamed down her face, and she was sure, had she not been so frightened of what damage sound could do, sobs would accompany them.


Bright eyes.

Bright yellow eyes.

Staring at her.

And yet, she wasn't scared. Quite the opposite actually, she felt a thrill when she met this wolf's eyes, a certain curiosity. Perhaps that was why she found herself stepping forward, reaching out her hand, crouching to eye level with the mysterious creature.

It stared back apprehensively, before trodding slowly toward her, as if it felt the same curiosity.

"Hello..." She whispered gently as the wolf nuzzled it's head into her palm. Once again, she found herself entranced in the wolf's eyes, the golden yellow encasing her in a feeling of warmth and safety.

"Rea!" A shout echoed through the forest, causing both the animal and the girl to snap their heads up in it's direction.

For once, the young girl found herself unhappy to see her elder brother.

The wolf scampered, causing a slight frown to pull at the corner of her lips.

"Where have you been?" He reprimanded her, worry evident in every word.

"I'm sorry..."

"You know we're supposed to take shelter tonight. You're lucky you haven't been killed! Vicious, those wolves are, completely barbaric!" 

She frowned once again at this, she did not agree.

"Father was worried sick."

A lump formed in her throat, certain her reprimanding received from Elijah would be minor compared to what was to come.

"Then we should be leaving." She whispered, clutching her elder's shirt, closing her eyes, and wishing, for a reason unknown she could once again see that wolf.

The Mikaelson Sister [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now