6 - Bond

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"Why must you drag me out into the woods so often?" Rebekah questioned her sister as she grumpily trudged the thick layer of mud that coated the ground. 

"Why on earth not? The woods is a lovely place." The girl swallowed the lump in her throat that came from lying to her sister, though she had done it many times before, it never got easier. Truth be told, for a year she had ventured out alone almost weekly. By alone, she meant with no male escort; Rebekah often tagged along. The reason for her impromptu fascination with the forest?

The wolf.

Though it was foolish to wish for a wolf sighting at a time other than the full moon, Andorrea couldn't help herself. Every time she set foot in this haunting yet exquisite barrier that existed around her small village, her hope for spotting that midnight black wolf bubbled inside of her only to be diminished. It never completely faded though.

She couldn't help but feel drawn to what was supposed to be a beast. She couldn't help but wonder if she would see it again, meet it again, marvel at it once again...at least, she hoped she could.

"Lovely?" Rebekah shrieked, staring at her sister as if she had grown a second head. "I have lost three gowns and two pairs of sandals to this horrid place you somehow find beautiful."

"Yes, yes, I'm well aware it torments you. Makes me like it more." The eldest blonde finished off her words with a wink. Rebekah took off chasing her as Rea ran, already prepared for the consequences of her words, giggling.

"Foolish words sister!" Rebekah scolded as she finally caught up, using a twig to hit the back of Rea's head. Rea turned around, pouting at Rebekah.

"I'm Sorry." She mumbled. 

"It's fine..." Rebekah gave in, turning to trudge back in the opposite direction.

"Wait, where are you going?" 

"Tatia invited us to a festival being thrown by her family. I wanted to give her some alone time with Elijah before I arrived. I believe I have been here long enough." She scowled at a tree covered in moss.

"Wait, why would she need alone time with Elijah?"


"And then I found I'd lost my ginger root, so I-" Andy quickly stopped when she noticed she was boring Avaris. Her attention seemed to be solely fixed on a man approaching them, and Andy had noticed, scowling.

She loved her brothers, but why must they be involved with everything and, more importantly, everyone in her life?

"Am I boring you?" She bit her lip in embarrassment as she snapped her friend's attention back to her.

"Yes." She said before taking a few steps to meet Kol, who simply dodged round her, leaving her stationary with a gaping mouth.

Kol continued on his path to his sister, until he reached her. Andorrea suddenly found herself being engulfed in his arms, and she hugged him back, trying to ignore jealous stares she knew she was receiving.

"What's wrong?" She mumbled as he let her go.

"Just  people, Rea:" He sighed "Father wishes me to be wed; Mother keeps introducing me to women in which I have no interest; and whenever I seek Elijah or Niklaus for advice, they are too busy feuding over Tatia."

Andorrea frowned. How had she not noticed there was something between Tatia and her brothers? She could blame it on the fact that Tatia was simply an acquaintance of hers, more a friend to Rebekah. 

Or maybe she just hadn't taken notice to her surroundings as much. Either way, she felt guilty for not being there for her family. So, she decided, right now she was going to be there for Kol.

"Forget of the outside world for a second, and dance with me brother." She commanded him.

"Rea," he chuckled, " No-one is dancing."

"So? Dance, Kol! Dance like Nobody's watching!" She tugged him into a clearing as they both began to dance, quite terribly you might say. But they were laughing, and smiling, and having fun, so did it really matter?

"Thank you, Rea." He smiled softly at her, "You're the best sister I could ask for, definitely better than Beks."

He got swatted over the head for that one.

"I could say the same, but I wouldn't mean it." He plastered a look of outrage on his face. "You're not my sister."

He chuckled at her joke, as they continued to make fools of themselves dancing. 

The Mikaelson Sister [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now