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These are the people an their ocs that will be included in the story. The full credit goes to them for coming up with these amazing people and giving them well life.

Her name is Fuyumi Nara, and has Yin release.

Background: She is the older-sister of Shikamaru Nara and can get mad easily, calling people baka a lot. A very tsundere personality. First introducedin the Chunnin Exam, Fuyumi was a Chunin level and just helped her brother get though the exams. She liked pulling him by the ear when he did something wrong, and hated wearing the chunin vest. Despite being a year older, she is three inches shorter than him. Her goals for the future are to restore world peace. And one more thing, Don't call her short, unless you want to die.

Personality: She is 13 and is quick-tempered(like Sakura), Tsundere, Smart(Like shikamaru), Loving at TIMEs, and an over protetive sister.

(Will become Tobito's girlfriend)

(Will become Tobito's girlfriend)

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This is Tobito Uchiha, son of Obito Uchiha.

Background: He is 12 years old, and inherited his father's Sharingan. He loves wearing his father's masks and awakened his mangekyo Sharingan at 8 when he saw his brother(Kino) died at 14 due to cancer.

Personality: His personality was funny and nice at times and also dark and sort of evil like the bad kid but is caring towards his family and lovers. He also got his father's dark side.

(Will become Fuyumi's boyfriend and be Sakura's teammate)

(Will become Fuyumi's boyfriend and be Sakura's teammate)

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His name is Haru, a 12 year old.

Personality: He is a cold person but caring on the inside.

Background: He has a good life. Loving parents, a younger sister, and is always rivaling against Tobito Uchiha. He doesn't know why but there is a big rivalry between them. He doesn't show his caring side to anyone but his family. When he heard news of a tiny prodigy, he had laughed in disbelief. He is in the Uzumaki clan.

(Will become Sakura's teammate)

Thank you guys, it means a lot that you guys offered your ocs

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Thank you guys, it means a lot that you guys offered your ocs. Don't worry I'll give them their spotlight and I don't steal ocs so please don't say I did. I asked the owners if I could and even asked for their permission on certain things.

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