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Itachi quickly arrived to the ramen stand and found his little brother and his friends frozen and staring at a spot. Blood was the spot they were staring at. He sighed and got to work. "Sasuke," and at that sasuke looked to his brother's eyes and soon closed his eyes. It's hi repeated this action on every kid, erasing the memory of what happened in front of them. He doesn't know what battle scene had taken here , but if blood was included then he rather have them forget than remember seeing blood.
Inoichi and Shikaku quickly arrived to the scene and Shikaku sighed.  Great he had to carry some kids home. Oh well it was part of his job.

*With Kakashi*
He sat down as he sensed Sakura's chakra going towards him. After 5 minutes she landed from a tree with a body on her shoulder and a kunai imbedded on her other shoulder. Kakashi sweat dropped and was about to say something before he got interrupted. "Yes he is dead, yes I have a kunai on my shoulder, yes it hurts, yes I'm healing it, and yes the village is safe," Sakura said in one breath and threw the body in the ground. "Heal your shoulder while I make the bodies disappear," Kakashi said as he quickly got to work. Sakura concentrated her chakra into her hand and started healing herself. 10 minutes had passed and both of them were on the ground waiting for a blond haired Hokage to show up.

"He won't be happy," Sakura said as she played with her kunai. "Hey you never know," Kakashi said as he took out his orange book and started reading it. A comfortable silence fell upon them, and the wind rustled the leaves, creating a calm scenery. They felt a chakra appear in front of them and Sakura sighed, already sitting down to get lectured. "Do you guys know that a certain  pink haired person ended up leaving some damage in the village!" Minato exclaimed and Kakashi calmly closed his book. "Oh really, I didn't know Minato sensei." "Hey Kakashi Sensei, I think I heard of it but I don't know who it is?" Sakura said as Minato sweat dropped. This was his prodigy team.

The so feared, heartless, and skilled team. His best team and here they where acting ....dumb. Minato sighed and facepalmed," Did you get your mission done?" Kakashi and Sakura nodded and Minato smiled. "Good, you may rest and kakashi we have to talk. Later," minato said and disappeared. Kakashi and Sakura shrugged and quickly arrived to their home. Sakura quickly started cooking and kakashi decided to shower. After every mission they would eat together and then depending on the time of the day , would do events. Today it was nearing night and they both quickly ate dinner and waved goodbye to each other as they entered their rooms.

Sakura quickly showered, put her clothes in the washing machine and feel asleep on her bed. Only one thought going through her head,' Friends?'

*Morning in A shop*

"Sakura, rest days have nothing entertaining to do," Kakashi said as Sakura grabbed some vegetables. Sakura smirked under her mask and said," Well sensei if you would so kindly helped me  then there wouldn't be books burning later on. Would they?" And with that Kakashi paled and quickly helped Sakura. They both gathered their items and when Sakura was about to pay for them, the lady counter shook in fear. "Y-you ca-can have th-them fr-free. Please just-just don't kill me!" She said out loud attracting the other customers attention. "What do you think you're doing demon? Did you see she threaten the poor lady? What would you expect she's a demon! A monster! Go away monster!" Were all heard and Sakura's smile dropped. Her face became emotionless and she put her items back and walked out of the store.

Kakashi was furious, and let out a killing intent, dropping everything he had and walked after his student. Sakura quickly went to her favorite spot in the village. The big tree in the park. She saw kids running and playing tag . They were all smiling and she decided to play with them. "Hey, can I play with you?" She asked in a friendly tone but the kids quickly shook in fear and ran away. "Demon!" A boy screamed as he ran to his mom. Sakura just sat down on a lone swing and looked at the sky. 'Why do they call me a demon? Monster? I didn't do anything! Yet they hate me. I-, I . Why me?' She sadly thought as she felt sadness fill her up, yet no emotion showed on her face.

She sat there for 10 minutes before she saw herself surrounded. "Oh Naruto! She's the girl from yesterday," Kiba loudly said as he pointed at her. "She-she's the pro-prodigy?" Hinata asked and Shikamaru nodded. Sasuke was looking at her but she paid no attention . She only kept looking at the sky above. "Hi!" Naruto exclaimed and Sakura raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh umm hello Naruto, and clan heirs and heiresses," she said in a bored tone ,but they all cheered up. Kakashi was on a roof seeing the hilarious, but torturous , moment for Sakura, unfold. "Sakura Chan," Naruto said with a blush and Sasuke glared at him. "Umm, I wanted to ummm know if you would like to ummm-." Kakashi decided that this was enough torture for his tiny person before a green blur suddenly picked her up.

'Oh no. It's Gai,' he thought as he sadly looked at Sakura. He knew how gai loved challenging the tiny prodigy to fights. Sakura paled as she noticed the familiar green suit of one of her sensei's insane friend. Gai-sensei. "Ah the Youthful Blossom. I've been looking for you everywhere. We have to begin with 100 laps, and if we can't do 100 we must do 500 push ups, and if we can't do 500 we must do 700 sit-ups," he exclaimed and Sakura paled more. Naruto and his friend paled at the stranger's weird statements, but soon saw Sakura tightly hugging a tree and the man in the green suit pulling with all his force. And after a while, they saw a pink haired Kunoichi being dragged , while dragging a ripped-out-of-the-ground tree.

Sorry guys I know not good chapter but I promise it gets better.

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