23-He's Back

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(Season 2 x 11)

Katrina sits at her desk in her lab at CCPD, wondering where Barry was. He had texted her to tell her that he was going to so some saving around town, and that she didn't need to worry about anything. As she gets up from her desk, drinking her coffee, she sees a familiar streak of red lighting go running by and she smiles. A few minutes later she hears her phone vibrating, putting her mug down, she picks it up seeing a message from Caitlin and she races off, causing some papers to go flying around. Katrina runs back fixes the papers, putting them under her paper weight before running off again.

Katrina arrives at the same time as Barry, "How was saving the city this morning?" she asks him.

"Stopped an out of control tanker, that was fun" he says to her, as they go to meet up with the others. They inform Barry and Katrina about Turtle, and they all head down to the pipeline, as they see Caitlin already checking the man over.
"He better not be pulling a Juliet" Cisco says as Caitlin and Katrina look at him, "Yeah, that's right. I see plays"

"He's dead, Cisco" Caitlin says to him.
"How'd this happen?" Harry then asks.
"Preliminary brain scan shows an acute brain aneurysm" Caitlin explains.
"The night we captured him. How's that for timing?" Jay then says.

"What does that mean? You think I did this, Garrick? This man is the key to us stopping Zoom.  The key to saving my daughter. Why would I want that?" Harry says to him.
"Never understood why you do anything, Harrison" Jay says to him.
"That's fine with me, Garrick" Harry says back at him.

"Guys, look we need to figure out how to stop Zoom. Everything we've tried so far has failed. We need to start thinking outside the box. I mean, we haven't even figured out how to close the breaches yet.  Maybe that's where we should start." Barry says to them.
"That's a good idea, I'll get on that" Harry says.
"I'll help" Cisco then says.

Just then Barry's phone starts vibrating, "We gotta get to the CCPD, we'll check in with you guys later" he says as him and Katrina leave the lab.

Barry and Katrina are at their desk in their lab when they hear footsteps, "Hey, I just wanted to see if you two could run this trace for me. Someone messed with an ethanol transport truck this morning. They cut the brake line and tampered with the gear shafts." She says to them.

"Okay, yeah" Barry says to her.
"Okay, wow, you two are backed up, huh?" she says as Katrina takes the evidence from Patty.
"We are, yeah" Katrina says walking over to one of the other computers.

"Yeah, I guess I'll find out what that's like once I finish CSI school" she then says to them.
"Yeah, you will I guess" Barry remarks.
"Patty you will do great there. We are happy that you are getting to do what you want" Katrina says to her.

"Thanks, I'm hope that before I leave the three of us can talk" she then says.
"Of course, we will, need to make sure we say good-bye" Katrina says as she then hugs Patty.
Patty then leaves as Iris comes in the two woman saying hi as they pass once another.

"Hey, did I hear that Patty is going to CSI school?" Iris asks.
"Yeah, she moves to Midway City in two days" Barry tells her.
"Oh really" she says.

"Yeah" Barry says as they then see Joe walk in, "hey" Barry says to him.
They all then notice the look on Joe's face, "I just went to see Francine, and uh....she doesn't have much time. I already said my good-byes, id you want to do the same" he says to Iris.
"You going to be okay" Katrina asks her.
"Uh, yeah, yeah" Iris says as she then leaves their lab.

Barry and Kat were sitting in their lab when they both got alerts on their phone about alarms going off at Mercury Labs, "I got this, Kat you just finish up here" Barry says kissing her head before he speeds away. As she continues working away on their backed up work, her phone starts to vibrate, and looking at it she sees that its Barry saying 911 STAR LABS NOW. Confusion crosses her face as she races off to the lab, arriving she see's Barry and he goes up and hugs her.

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