14- No More Monsters

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Cisco and Harry leave STAR Labs, as they go out to check on the three locations they had discovered. Barry, Katrina and Henry stay behind, keeping watch on the monitors, Katrina gives Cisco a call, after they went to the second location, "Yo, yeah, we're moving on to the third location" he tells her.

"Alright, copy that" Katrina says back.
"Now, we wait" Barry tells his father.
"So, this is what it's like, every time you go after one of those meta-humans?" Henry asks them as he takes his jacket off.

"Uh...pretty much. Only Cisco and Caitlin are normally the ones in here, and we're the ones out there" Barry explains to his father.
"There's no reason you shouldn't be" Henry then says to him. "Iris showed me what happened with Zoom. That was hard to watch. I can only imagine what that must've been like for the two of you" Henry says to them.

Barry looks up at Katrina, before looking back down, "He showed everyone in Central City that their heroes weren't good enough to stop him." He says to him.
"Well, that's certainly what it looked like" Henry says as he comes over to them, "Was he right" he adds making Barry scoff. "Your body's healed, Barry, Kat and yet here you two are, feeling shame of losing" Henry adds.

"We can't stop him" Barry says to his father, "We know it, he knows it, and now everyone in this city knows it, too. They don't believe in me anymore, Dad" Barry says looking at Henry.
"At my trail for your mother's death, a lot of our family and friends were in the courtroom. They heard awful things about what I had done to your mother. It didn't matter that it wasn't true. Everyday I could see it on their faces, the moment when I lost them, until everybody had stopped believing in me. Well, that was my reality, you know? I was gonna serve a life sentence for a crime I didn't commit. But worse than that, every time I looked at someone in the eye, from that moment forward, they've got to believe that I had killed the woman I loved, in front of our son. So, yeah, I do know what's it's like being destroyed" Henry says holding his tears back.

"How did you get past that?" Barry asks.
"I embraced it" Henry tells him, "Accepting it was the only way that I could move forward. But I knew that if I could survive that," Henry says walking over and placing his hands on Barry's shoulders, "and learn to believe in myself again, then I could survive anything. You know what lift that belief in me, Barry?" Henry asks his son, "You" he tells him as he steps back, and Barry wipes a tear from his face, as Henry chuckles. "Eleven-year old you running around believing in me, gave me that hope" Henry says as Barry takes the cane and stands up, looking at Henry.
"And, now, I'm giving it back to you, Son. No more monsters can take that from us" Henry says to him, Barry looks at him, and pulls him in for a hug.

"You know, I didn't want to tell you this before but I have been injured like this before, Barry. I've been through this, I know this failure before, but what we went through is nothing compared to that. We will get through this, Barry, and we will become better for it" Katrina says as she walks over to Barry. Henry moves away from his son, letting Katrina wrap her arms around his son.
"Having her around, is one of the best things for you Barry. You two will get through this together, and like she said you two will be better" Henry smiles at them.

"Yeah...yeah" Barry says smiling at the two of them as they get an alert from Cisco. Katrina walks away from Barry and goes to the computer.
"They've got eyes on Grodd" she says, as she then sends a text to Iris and Joe. She tells Cisco to be safe and wait for the opportune moment to go in.

"Hey Buddy" Harry says once he is in the room, "Easy Buddy. It's me. I'm back" they hear him saying to Grodd.
"Father? You died" they hear Grodd responding to Harry.
"No. No, Buddy I didn't die. I just went away for a while" they hear Harry saying.
"All right, that's great, Wells, just keep talking" Barry informs him, as they watch the monitor showing the location of Wells.

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