
28 11 7

Everyone in the world despite
Their colour, gender, or sexuality
Has felt the same emotions
And pressure to fit into a box unhappily
I'm not talking about a brown one
You use to pack away
Old things you no longer need
Despite what you say
Others cram you in and force you
To change, to fit, to be
Something you weren't born for
Instead of just being you and me
To them I say stand down
Let's be ourselves right now
Let's break the box crack by crack
We can try to tear them down
It's made of steel all around
One way in
No way out
Labels stuck to everyone inside
Changing everyone stuck inside
One day I'll leave this world
Better for my child than it was for me
I hope they stand up for themselves
We'll have to wait and see

A/N sorry for not posting in a while, I've been studying for a math exam that is OVER so I'm celebrating by writing a poem I've had stuck in my head for a while. The last discussion I had in my sociology class was about interactionism. Basically, the gist is about the way we interact with someone based on the invisible label we give them when we first see them, the chances we give them because of the way we judge them, the box we push them into because of our own personal and social standards. It's wrong, and hurtful, we should be open minded when we meet/talk to new people because we know NOTHING about them to justify our prejudice actions. For all we know something awful has happened to them and that's why they haven't put as much effort into their looks and showing their personality because they're barely keeping it together but they were strong enough to show up that day. Purely an example but obviously it has happened at some point in the past, possibly it's happening right now somewhere? I basically just wanna see discussions in the comments... if this is something you feel at some point you have done, own up to it and change for the better! Love y'all so much have a nice day/night ❤️❤️ xx

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