Forever Forest

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(option from before for chapter "playing the game" sorry it took so long <3)
->You chose to look in the forest

I don't really want to look at the dismembered bodies of my own kind, so I decide to take a look in the forest. I take a step into it and look around and in a few trees for the ring, I don't see it anywhere. Maybe I should go inside a little further?

Before I can take another step, I'm held back by the hood of my jacket, "I wouldn't go in there alone if I were you, it's a very long walk to get anywhere in there. Lot's of creatures get lost for many years in that forest."

"Have you been in there at all?"

"Of course, one of the paths happen to lead to the palace."

If he's been in there recently then there's a pretty good chance it's somewhere there, "Just come with me then. It'll be quicker if we both are looking too. "

"I suppose so.. I'll go with with you, but if I find it first, you lose."

"What? That's not fair! You never said you couldn't help!"


Well this is amusing, Diavolo has brought back a human toy to play with? How intriguing.They seem to be bickering over a finding things game.

"Heh heh." I'm the one who hid it, I thought it'd be fun to tease Diavolo for a bit, but now this is getting too interesting to stop.

If they're deciding to go through the woods, then I should go to the post before them and find another place for the ring. I can't let them have it this early on, I'm curious to see how this goes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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