Chapter 2: Talking Shadows

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A/N: Can You Guess Who's The Shadow? * AHAHAHEVILLAUGHAHAH* Also, is there a possibility of SmallSapphireXSmallStar?

SmallBlaze woke up to nothing but pitch black darkness, she looked around until howling out, "Hello..?" She stared at the black sky with no stars until colors faded in, making her see the emerald forest around her, but then seeing the river of LakeBand, she approached it, and in an instant she saw not her reflection, but what seemed to be someone else. It was a light ginger male, dark cold blue eyes that stared back, he had multiple scars, one on his muzzle, one across his eye and his ear was torn. "What..?" Gasped SmallBlaze as the male formed in front of her, his pelt as starry as she sees in The Starry Circle. She stepped back, eyes wide. "Hello SmallBlaze." The light male grinned warmly at her with his dark eyes lighting up. The ginger apprentice stood silent, eyes wandering his pelt. The light ginger male came nearer, head tilted in slight sadness and confusion, "You don't remember your own father..?" He asked and SmallBlaze eyes widened at the word. SmallBlaze stammered out, brown eyes wide, "F-Father..? But Brightpool is my father. He's always been." She demanded the words in a cold tone to the male, but more to herself.

The light ginger chuckled as if it was a bad joke, "No, No, my pup. I am your father, my name is Sandfall. Rockyfur killed me, he was helping Brightpool get to Softstem..and he did. I was her mate back then..All I wanted was to wrap my tail around the pups when I saw she gave birth to all her pups.." Sandfall's eyes saddened, and his starry glow started to fade as his voice trembled as he came nearer, "My pup..Oh, My little pup.." SmallBlaze couldn't help but get closer to him, feeling true pain for him. From his story, he had lost his life and Softstem, her mother, who he loved dearly and just wanted to see his children, who was her, SmallBadger and the others she loved. Sandfall rushed to her, and with a loving gaze, he nuzzled her, his voice trembling as he said the words, "You are my daughter, SmallBlaze, you always were." She nuzzled back, heart pounding, the warm feeling of being loved flooding into her fur.

SmallBlaze looked at Sandfall, seeing him having a warm smile on his muzzle made a huge difference on the way his scars looked along with his strong rippling muscles that could be seen. Sandfall looked at her, "Would you like to train? I could give you the best unknown helpful move that can give you a paw in battle.." He barked, blue eyes glittering. SmallBlaze tilted her head cutely to the side, should she? She didn't even know if he was a SkyBand or BloodBand warrior! BloodBand was a Band that murdered many wolves, once attacking all the Bands, but was defeated once all Bands joined together, SmallBlaze still wasn't born yet, and SmallSapphire wasn't either. Oh, if SmallSapphire could see her now! She would bark out that this would be a bad idea, that he couldn't be trusted, and she was being a stupid mossball but this was SmallBlaze's father!

"Are you from SkyBand?" She questioned, voice slightly raised. Sandfall nodded, and his starry pelt shone. He nodded, "Yes, I have been granted the passage to SkyBand." Barked Sandfall, his blue eyes and ginger fur slightly bristling in worry. "I'll train with you, father." SmallBlaze howled as she smiled, and her red cloth flapped in the slight breeze. A booming voice, more like a growl erupted, and it shook the ground, Sandfall began to fade, "We will train when you sleep, my pup." His voice faded and turned into a growl.


"Shut your muzzle already!" She heard SmallBadger growl at her. Her brown eyes shot awake as she saw all the SmallTails around her, including SmallSapphire and the IvyBand SmallTails, she stood up, pelt hot in embarrassment, Nice Going Mossball! She growled at herself before quickly padding out of the den without a single word. Rainbowclaw sat at the fresh kill pile, her multiple colored tail tip waved in the air behind her as she sank her teeth into a small deer, a fawn. Rainbowclaw licked her lips after her bite, savoring the after taste of meat, she raised her head, and saw SmallBlaze. SmallBlaze padded over, and her stomach growled, as she finally realized how hungry she really was. "Want some? We could share!" Rainbowclaw smiled at her SmallTail, and nudged the fawn towards her, which SmallBlaze took a grateful bite out of it, then nudged it back to Rainbowclaw so she could have a bite.

The ginger SmallTail and the White She-wolf licked their jaws as they finished their meals. Rainbowclaw nudged her, and a happy feeling went through SmallBlaze's fur, she rose to her paws. "We'll go hunting with SmallSea and SmallFox, alright? Wait here with the rest and I'll go round up Wishingfall and Creamlight!" Rainbowclaw bounded off, and SmallBlaze spotted a pale blue-gray male with gold tints on his fur, his green eyes tinted with blue, along with a grey white male with dark ginger splotches on his fur with dark magenta eyes, she raced over, tail waving. "SmallFox! SmallSea!" She yelped as she joined them, tail waving happily. SmallFox's eyes brightened as he saw her and SmallSea only smiled and barked in greeting. "Hello SmallBlaze!" She heard SmallFox say cheerfully, and she smiled happily at his familiar bark.

SmallBlaze spotted SmallStar, Blackfire, SmallCloud, Rainwhisker, along with Rubyfeather and her SmallTail, SmallGem. SmallCloud, a smokey black she-wolf with green eyes padded over, fur bristling with hostility. Rainwhisker, the gray white she-wolf with green eyes like her SmallTail, held her head high, as if challenging the other mentors to say anything about her Band. Blackfire stayed silent, unlike SmallStar, he was bouncing happily, chatting with SmallSea. Rubyfeather, a white-she-wolf with a smokey red tail tip and brilliant blue eyes looked at Creamlight, (a creamy brown she-wolf with green eyes) Rainbowclaw, and Wishingfall. "This isn't a lesson anymore, but AlphaStar said a hunting patrol! And we certainly need more fresh-kill since we have guest in the Band. So we'll mentor as we go." Rainbowclaw barked to everyone in the patrol before leading them out of the bramble tunnel.


"Don't raise your hind quarters so high, SmallStar! You look like a duck!" Blackfire growled as he looked at SmallStar, all SmallTails had gone into a hunting crouch. SmallStar and SmallBlaze were having trouble though, they either had their hind quarters too high, or too low. "You can do this, SmallBlaze. Just do as I showed you!" Rainbowclaw encourage, and with a sudden jolt, she heard Sandfall's voice in her head, Just A Little Bit Lower My Child, And Then You Will Perfect It, All Weight On Your Hauntches, Remember. Like This? SmallBlaze asked back and lowered her hind quarters slightly, and with a sudden of triumph, Rainbowclaw let out a rumble, "Great!" She said happily. Yes! Good. You are doing well, SmallBlaze, she heard Sandfall rumble, and it made her feel joyful that she pleased him. SmallBlaze perked up her ears as she heard the scurry of tiny legs, she went into a hunters crouch, a pounced on her prey. She growled as it struggled under her and she finsihed it off with a killing bite. She looked at her prey, a tiny fawn. She thanked SkyBand before taking it and dragging it back.

*End Of SmallBlaze's View*

SmallSapphire was padding out of camp, needing plenty of Horse Tail (To Heal Infected And Other Wounds) and Cobwebs (To Stop Bleeding). "Hey! Wait!" She heard a bark call after her and she twisted her head towards it, she saw SmallStar, the SmallTail she saved when IvyBand was being destroyed by Twolegs. "Netherstar said I could help! You need Cobwebs and MariGold right?" He said, and SmallSapphire sighed inside with slight annoyance, she could do this on her own! In a way, she actually was thankful, there were so many wolves that needed healing, it was hard to keep track!

"Alright, come on!" She said, blue-amber eyes sparkling before leading both of themselves into the bramble tunnel. "I-I wanted to say thanks..for saving me.." SmallStar stammered out quietly and SmallSapphire smiled warmly at him, "I would never leave anyone to die, even if it wasn't from my own Band." Her tail waved happily. Both SmallTails started their path towards herb hill, hopeful to find all the herbs there. "So," started SmallStar, "Why did you decide to become a Healer SmallTail?" He asked, clear sky blue eyes staring at her. SmallSapphire's ear perked up, "Well, I found it interesting how herbs worked, and how the Healers gave back strength to their patients and others in need..I wanted to be that, Netherstar noticed this and he made me his apprentice." She purred, remembering her SmallTail Naming ceremony with SmallBlaze and SmallSea. "Wow!" SmallStar howled happily in awe at her story. "Come on, let's go get herbs." She barked and both SmallTails raced towards herb hill.

You will need plenty soon, my dear.. SmallSapphire jerked her head around, hearing a raspy voice in her head, her eyes shone with fear and her fur bristled. Who are you? She answered back, her little voice in her head trembling slightly. The voice answered back, soft and gently, I Am Sandfall..I Am your Father.

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