Chapter - 3

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I'm nervous, hell I want to run away. I don't know what to do. These arrange marriages just looks good on movies but iy is nerve recking in real life.

Yeah maybe we could have adjusted more if we were given more time then one month, one month is nothing for the situation like this. Like c'mon it's not like we met in whole month 30 days of month, it was just on weekends.

We both are busy persons with heavy scheduled jobs to do. So we just met five including the first day we met. But how much we can know a person just in five days.

Chayeol buried his face in his hands regretting everything.

"Chanyeol!!" He heard a soft voice outside. Soon enough his sister and her husband came inside.

"Ready for the wedding buddy!!" Mr. Hong asked.

"No !! " he breathe out. " I'm too nervous. "

"Its ok !! It happens" Mr. Hong chuckled patting his back.

"C'mon why are you nervous !" Yoora snorted " you weren't nervous when you goes on your knees and asked Baekhyun for marrying you hm!!" Yoora wiggled her eyebrows at him.

She sat down at her knee (with much struggled cause if her dress ) And says :

"Will you marry me !!" Baekbeom placed his hand in front of him much of youngster's distress.

"Hyung you are not helping.!!" He whined.

"And How should I help you!!" Baekbeom chuckled getting up from his crouching position.

Baekhyun kept quite for sometime before looking at him. " yeah but atleast don't least don't tease me. " he sighed.

"I'm not teasing you " Baekbeom shaked his head innocently.

"Baekhyun!!" Little Daehan came inside crying hugging his legs.

" Uncle Baekhyun, ahhhhh Bakhyun, *hiccups* Uncle Bacon" baekhyun bends down to pick up crying baby. "What happened baby!! Why are you crying hm. " Baekhyun wiped his face, kissing his cheek.

"You gonna leave me, Uncle " Daehan throwed his hands around his neck. "Why didn't you told me that you are getting. Married. Who gonna sing me now, with whom I'm gonna play, you still hasn't teach me how to play pubg and Xbox games." He whimpers in his arms.

"Hey !! I'm not gonna leave you. I'm just gonna live in different house. But I will still meet you like on every Saturdays as usual hm!!" Baekhyun swayed little Daehan side to side.

"Pomise !!" He rose his little pinky.

"Promise.!!" He linked his pinky with Daehan bumping thumb with each other.


(1 Month before. The same day they met at cafe.)

Chanyeol and Baekhyun sit in the room awkwardly sipping their drinks after talking to each other about everything that came in their mind.

Like where they work, age, hobbies , taste, like, dislikes or what they want in their life partner etc. Etc.
It was preety basic question. Chanyeol want to ask about this arrangement but wouldn't dare.

"Chanyeol-shi !! " Baekhyun called startling Chanyeol in the process. "If you don't mind may I ask you a question. "

Chanyeol nodded.

Slowly But Surely { CHANBAEK}Where stories live. Discover now