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     "Since you dreamt about an alternative path in your might mean that you're having doubts about something, or you're more prone to experiencing the unexpected. That's all according to psychologists on the Internet." Reigen rubbed his chin deep in thought, focusing on what he was reading as Mob tapped his feet anxiously at his own mini desk. Teruki was doing some work with Serizawa to give them some mentor-student alone time.

     "I feel like both of those are happening, Master. What should I do?" Shigeo looked over at Reigen with expectant eyes, seeking actual advice that he needed desperately.

     The blonde hummed as he clicked around the hyperlinks on the website full of advice, eventually giving up after not finding anything that could possibly help Mob. He leaned back in his chair and cracked his knuckles, stretching his arms as well. "It happened out of the blue, so it's probably related to something that recently happened to you, something unexpected that stressed you out. I couldn't find any professional tips, but honestly my advice would be to confront the root of your stress. Hiding from your problems won't make them go away, so you have to take initiative."

     Mob felt a little nervous hearing the explanation because it was exactly what he was thinking. He kind of figured that weird dream was related to Teru kissing him since it felt so real, as if he never even fell asleep. He was still thankful that Reigen took the time to help him through this, though. He did feel a little more confident in himself now. "Okay...I'll try." He replied shyly, standing up from his seat and then putting his homework away, which he had been doing intermittently whilst talking to Reigen for the past hour.
     " how was your dinner last night with Serizawa-san? Did you two go out?" He asked boldly desperate to change the subject and divert as much attention away from himself as possible.

     "N-No, not really. We went to my apartment and ordered takeout...and drank wine. But it was still romantic!" Reigen was a blushing mess all of a sudden, probably because he was leaving out some explicit details for the sake of Mob's innocence. "What about you? Do you like anyone new now that you're in high school?" He asked somewhat calmly, barely recovering from his embarrassment.

     Shigeo's eyes wandered aimlessly for a moment in the silence and he fiddled with his fingers, unable to get any words to come out of his mouth no matter how hard he tried. The air between them was extremely awkward because of it, and before he even thought about replying the door to the office opened behind them. Thank goodness it was Serizawa and Teruki. He couldn't take anymore of this grilling.

"Reigen-san, we aren't interrupting anything, are we?" The brunette scratched his ear, having noticed that it was completely quiet and stressful in the room's atmosphere. Even though he was trying to be polite and break the tension, Mob was still completely silent, looking down at the ground with his hands folded together. He just didn't know how to take the focus off of himself, so he stayed silent.

Mob had a sudden look of surprise as Teru saved the day and came over to distract him, abruptly wrapping his arm around the boy's shoulders and pulling him closer. He didn't really know how to react, but he was still shy so his cheeks began burning with nervousness. Not to mention, he wasn't sure why, but he didn't want to pull away. He was slowly craving more of this contact with Teru, perhaps because the blonde took such good care of him.

"I'm taking Shigeo-kun home. He had a real stressful day." He used his telekinesis to bring his bag over to him, then putting it on his free arm. He did the same for Shigeo, just so they didn't have to waste anymore time. "C'mon, let's go." He forced Mob to start walking to the door, which was harder than it looked considering how confused Mob was. Eventually he was able to get the other to move his own legs.

MOB HEART RACE || Teruki Hanazawa x Shigeo KageyamaWhere stories live. Discover now