mid (1)

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" take me back to the middle of nowhere back to the place only you and I share"

- long way home by 5 seconds of summer


Their little road trip downtown began as M drives past trees and buildings. Rush hour was over that is why they were able to enjoy the serenity of the night. The windows were rolled down allowing the cold night air in that added to the calm atmosphere. This whole mood relaxes Gulf's tensed muscles and a smile slowly crept in on his face. 

He looked at M to check if he is still okay in driving- it seems like M is enjoying the mood considering a soft smile sporting on his face. M took a glance at him and said:

"There's a 7/11 store we should buy some snacks and drinks"

M parked the car and went with Gulf inside the convenience store. They picked out snacks, water, and alcoholic beverages. They went inside the car and Gulf began munching on his favorite snacks and drinks. 

" G can you also feed me some chips? I'm quite hungry" M said with a pout. Gulf find M's pout cute (he can't deny it either) and said: "No need to pout M besides shouldn't  we should drop by a restaurant to eat properly? Chips are not good for dinner"

"Well G, today I don't care if those are unhealthy I just want to experience a situation that I am in control of- something that I can freely choose so I want to eat those chips as my dinner" M said with a smile and so G feed him.

True enough, there was really a night market- although the vendors were not as many considering it is past 1 in the morning. Gulf can't help but feel a rush of excitement as he looked at the lively environment. The yells of the vendors trying to get customers to see and buy from their stalls. M went out from his car the moment he found a place to park only to find G having an exciting smile on his face. He stopped walking to stare at the younger to take in his view, the night lights reflecting beautifully behind G and the soft breeze of air brushing gently on his hair. He quietly took his phone and captured this beautiful moment knowing that this is only a once in a lifetime opportunity.

M was quite surprised and worried at the same time about G agreeing to go with him. He honestly thought that he will decline M's offer (which was totally understandable considering that they are strangers who met in a nightclub). He can't help but also to feel worried about how G can be so trusting- what if the person who asked him has ill- intentions? But still, he felt grateful to this person to accompany him escape from his reality and demons. M knows that he will forever treasure this moment hence, he quickly took a picture to remember.

G turned to M and said:

"M! Move your damn ass the vendors are waving at us I want to explore this whole place"

G grabbed his wrist to pull him and check the variety of stalls. The night market was indeed lively, they weren't the only people in there- it wasn't deserted nor crowded either. Luck was indeed on their side because it allowed them to easily maneuver around. Multicolored tents stand side by side which consists of random things like street foods and clothes. They were having fun trying out different funny masks and headbands as well as eating random foods (G has a feeling that he will get an upset stomach the next day due to the different food they tasted but who cares right?)

A few hours later, they find themselves sitting on a vacant table trying to grasps and at the same time rests their numb legs. The smile on their faces was enough sign to know that they enjoyed each other's company. They still have at least 4 hours  before sunrise and they already explored the whole place. Neither of them does not want to go home yet- they kinda have this telepathy that it's too early to separate ways. G was thinking where to go next given the fact that M already suggested this night market getaway- he felt like it's his turn to bring M to their next getaway destination.

"You still have enough energy to explore this place?" G asked M with a challenging smile

"I love pulling an all nighters- is that enough of an answer G?" M replied playfully

"Great let's waste your car gas and explore this neighborhood. I haven't seen the sunrise for so long" G said as he offered his hand to M

M grabbed his hand and said:

"Sunrise it is"


i'm still in the process of making the other part but I already wrote the finale ahhhhh i'm having writer's block. 


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