Pt 26

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(Lets skip sum time to where you are close to your due date. You and kakashi just had woken up)

Kakashi: Good morning angel. Y/n: Good morning sweetie. *You get up while holding your belly* Kakashi: Sweetie do you need help? Y/n: No im fine. *You then trip on a shirt that was on the floor. Making you slip but not fall*

Kakashi: Baby!! *He rushes over to you and helps you stand up* Kakashi: God sweetie you could have had a miscarriage. Y/n: I know im sorry. Kakashi: Baby its fine now where do you want to go. Y/n: Ohh can I get some dango. Kakashi: Hah of course sweetie.

*Kakashi helps you get dressed and you both head to the dumpling shop. Once you guys get there you guys see Aimi, Rokuro, Sieji, Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke* Aimi:Ohh hey Y/n sensei. Sieji: Hey Y/n sensei and Kakashi sensei. Kakashi: Hello you guys. Sakura:SOOO Y/n sensei when is your due date? Y/n:Ohh in like 1 or 2 days. Sakura: Woahh so it could be any minute. Y/n: Yea haha.

*You guys order your food and say goodbye to the kids. You guys then head home. Once you guys get home you go sit down* Kakashi: Sweetie do you need anything else? Y/n: No baby. Thank you tho. Kakashi: Hah ok then ima go take a shower now. Y/n:OK. *He goes to the bathroom and starts the shower. You start feeling some sharp pain by your stomach but you just brush it off*

Y/n:Ugh I want some water. Goddammit. *You get up and start feeling sharper pain from your stomach. You start walking to the kitchen when you see some blood coming down from your stomach. You start panicking so you scream for kakashi. He runs out the bathroom and sees you there just standing while blood runs down from your leg*

Kakashi:BABY YOU ARE BLEEDING!! Y/n:I KNOW MY WATER BROKE!! Kakashi:REALLY OH GOD OK. ILL GET THE BAG. *He runs into the bedroom and gets the bag where it has some of your clothes and baby clothes you had bought. He then immediately picks you up and runs to the Hospital. You guys once get there*

Nurse:Yea what can we help you with? Kakashi:DO YOU NOT SEE THE BLOOD COMING DOWN FROM MY FIANCE!! Nurse:Crap im sorry. *You then see lady tsunade coming towards you guys* Tsunade:WHAT Y/N YESSSS!! SHIZUNE GET IN HERE NOW!! *Shizune comes running in and sees you. Shizune:OK get me a room and the operating room. Nurse:Of course ma'am.

*The nurse goes and gets everything ready. Kakashi then puts you down on the hospital bed* Kakashi:God im gonna have my mini Kakashi. It better be a boy. Y/n:Haha. *he starts holding your hand* Shizune:OK I have to get her in the operating room. Kakashi:Really I can't hold her hand? Shizune:Yes you can but you will have to put on a gown.

Kakashi:Fine by me. Shizune:OK great here. *he takes the gown and puts it on. Shizune then takes you to the operating room and gets you all prepped up* Shizune:OK Y/n are you ready? Y/n:Yes I am. Shizune:OK great. *Kakashi grabs your hand and you start squeezing it. You then start pushing* Shizune:Great Y/n keep doing that. Y/n:FUCK THIS HURTS. *You start pushing even harder*

Shizune:Great almost there I can see a head. Kakashi:Wait really? Shizune:Yes I can. *You start pushing even harder. And squeezing Kakashi's hand even harder* Kakashi:AHHHH Y/N THAT HURTS!! Y/n:IM SORRY THIS JUST HURTS LIKE HELL. Shizune:Look I know it does I just need you to push a bit more. Y/n:FINE. *you push hard ass hell in this one*

Shizune:Hah she's out. Kakashi:ITS A GIRL. Y/n:OMG. Shizune:Hah let me go clean her up.  Kakashi:Oh ok be gentle with her pls. Shizune:Haha of course I will. *She goes and cleans her up* Y/n:I thought you said you wanted a boy. Kakashi:I know but look how adorable she is. Y/n:Haha you are right about that. *Shizune then comes back and hands you the baby* Shizune:Well here you go your baby.

Shizune:But may I ask what will her name be? Y/n:Hah well how about Kyoto. Kakashi:That sounds great sweetie. Shizune:OK great then. *She leaves and you start getting dressed again* Kakashi:God she is adorable. Y/n:Hah I know right baby. *you finish getting dressed and head to the front of the hospital* Nurse:AWWE SHE IS SOO CUTE. Y/n:Aww thank you. Kakashi:Yea haha thank you. Nurse:Hah no problem. But here you go your papers and her birth certificate. Y/n:Hah thank you and byee. Nurse:Byee.

*You guys leave and head home. Once you guys get home Kakashi gets the crib* Kakashi:Hah well here it is. *You put your baby in the crib and she starts playing with the toys in the crib. She then eventually falls asleep* Kakashi:Aww she is sok cute. But now I have 2 princess. Y/n:Hah. Kakashi:Ohh noo wait I only have one princess. Y/n:Huh? Kakashi:Well our baby is my princess and you are my queen. Y/n:AWWW I LOVE YOU!!! *You go and hug him and give him a kiss*

Kakashi:Hah I love you to sweetie. *You guys go sit down on the couch you lay your head on his shoulder while he reads his books. You eventually fall alseep. He gives you a kiss and cuddles you. He then eventually falls asleep with you*

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