Chapter 14

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Hearing she had to attend a banquet, Xu Xinyi was very busy. She contacted Anya for help.

"Anya, order me a high-end dress. One that will make me really shine and stand out."

Anya's voice on the phone was full of doubts, "Dress? Why, what are you doing that needs a dress? So secret that even I, your agent, can't know about it?"

"No," Xu Xinyi said with a joyful smile that could not be hidden. "Yi Yang said that he would take me to a banquet the day after tomorrow. So I need to dress up so as not to embarrass him."

Anya asked with surprise, "A banquet? Yi Yang is planning to take you? Have you two suddenly decided to announce your marriage?"

"It's a birthday banquet for the daughter of a family friend of the Yi family. All the people who will be there are insiders who already know. There won't be any outsiders."

Anya was silent for a moment. Then her next words had a tinge of disbelief. "May I ask, Miss Xu, what exactly is the grudge between you and that birthday girl? You want to wear such a flashy dress and steal her limelight?"

"How could it be called stealing her limelight? Isn't this my first time attending a banquet with Yi Yang? I have to dress up beautifully so I won't embarrass him."

"...are you serious? " Anya wanted to advise her friend against this. "If you really go through with this you will end up stealing that girl's spotlight."

"What are you talking about?" Xu Xinyi replied.

"Xu Xinyi, if you aren't doing this on purpose, I'm really starting to suspect that you have a low EQ. Usually, you aren't like this." Anya sighed, "Is it true that love brings down intelligence? I feel like it's over. With you as an example, I don't think I can get married in this lifetime."

"Stop worrying so much about me, I'm just asking you if it can be done."

"Yes! Of course! Just do as you like! I'll take care of the dress for you, and I'll have it delivered to you in the morning the day after tomorrow."

"Alright, send it to me as soon as you can!"

After she hung up the phone, Xu Xinyi called the beautician to come in and continue to work on her.

"Miss Xu, your skin is in really good condition. It looks just like an 18-year-old girl's."

Her skin was white and tender, without a trace of blemish. Her cheeks were smooth and clear. Her watery eyes were bright and seemed even more vivid than those of an eighteen-year-old girl.

This was the effect Xu Xinyi wanted.

She knew Qin Yan liked Yi Yang. That didn't matter, Xu Xinyi didn't mind, and she even wanted to match them together. But, that was one thing, a whole other thing was that from head to toe she could not lose to Qin Yan – not even by a single strand of hair!

What's more, even Anya could see that it was inappropriate for her to dress so extravagantly at the banquet, would others not be able to see it?

But Qin Yan, that little white lotus, would definitely be magnanimous and say that it didn't matter. Once he hears that Yi Yang, that dog man, would have his heart stirred and his affection for her would shoot up directly in a straight line.

With that as a springboard, the relationship between those two would become more and more intense. Eventually, when the love was strong, they would cheat together, toss Xu Xinyi aside, and finally tie the knot. They would then enter an unswerving marriage that would last for a hundred years!

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