Letter 5| Your Dreams

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My dreams are a funny thing. I don't know what I want to be or what I want to do. I don't have a particular dream that I want to achieve. I guess I can just write about one thing I want to happen. One thing I've been dreaming about recently. 

I want to do something. I want to impact the world so greatly that whenever my name is spoken it is associated with goodness and kindness. I want to deliver a steady stream of art to the world. Because although so much has changed in my life, one thing has remained constant: my love of photography. 

I want to capture images of the world that we don't know. Of the poor struggling, of the polar bears in their dying environment. I want to expose the world as it is, not sugar coat it like others. I want to present all of humanity with something so emotional that they will want to make a change. I want to be an inspiration through my images. 

Photography is a wonderful thing. Although there will never be another day like today, and everything is always changing, we will always be able to see the past so clearly. We will be able to see every aspect of it through images. Generations before us never had that. They never had lenses they could look through to capture one single moment in time that is just racing past us. We never will be able to remember it so clearly with every detail and photography gives us that. It gives us passion, and makes every person to look at it feel something. 

Some will feel it more than others. Some will weep and some will laugh. But at least the photographer will have evoked something. At least they will have evoked a feeling in other people who are so frightened of feelings. 

That is my dream. That is my one single dream that I know will never change. I have been with a camera for as long as I can remember. Whenever Mom and Dad had a camera with them, I would grab hold of it and snap pictures of everything around me. They would always shout and get mad that I was wasting the memory they had on it. But I wouldn't care. I would capture every moment possible because I was never going to get that moment back. 

In my room, underneath all my clothes I have a box that contains all the pictures I have printed. There are pictures of my friends and family, and of the world we currently live in. And trust me, when I am older, I will be so happy that I took these pictures because every one is changing, and these photographs are the one thing that remain constant. 

And although ths is a really short letter, my one dream that has begun to evolve only a few months ago. And let me tell you this, even if people tell you that you cannot achieve the impossible, laugh at them and walk off. Because if you want it enough, you will get it when the time is right, once you have worked hard for it. 

So I will work hard for this. And I will achieve this. And I will be happy. 



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