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She couldn't recall when she fell asleep or even how long she was gone but the first thing she noticed when she opened her eyes was Michael and a bad feeling growing in her stomach.

''The basment'' she breathed out jumping out of the bed running down the stairs as fast as her legs would carry her. As she opened the door she could already see the young boy sat with the creature from yesterday laughing ''Micheal?'' I bearly said.

Without any warning the door suddenly shut making her jump and unwillingly trip down a few of the stairs.

''Taddy this is Siren, Siren meet Taddy'' Michael said smiling, suddenly the creature once again found its way attacking the girls tackling her to the floor only this time the shock was too much for her to even try and struggle and all she could do is let the screams tear out of her throat, as the creatures claw like fingers came to contact with her cheek triggering a burning sensation on the right side of her face. A burning sensation she had still to really feel due to all the adrenaline in her system.

''Thaddeus , no , go away ''  the same male voice from last night call again instead of being met with the owner of the voice she felt the weight lift of her chest as she was met with the sad eyes of a woman.

''You are going to be okay'' the woman said with a smile as everything around her slowly went black.

Groaning she opened her eyes. Fear once again returning to her as she noticed she was still in the basement but her chance to scream yet again was cut off by feeling a damp towel on her cheek and a burning sensation

'' Thaddeus attacked you,but you were saved'' the woman answered smiling still pressing the damp cloth to the side of her face.

''Saved by who , you?'' I asked and looked at her, the room still blurry but she could swear there was a shadowy figure she could see standing in the corner of the basement "Who even are you"

''He will tell you once , but dear'' she said looking me serouse in the eyes '' you and your family have to move away, this house it's not safe. Bad things happen to people who move in here. Just like it did to my baby, Taddeus''

''Wait, Thaddeus is your baby?'' She asked with wild eyes while moving a bit away from her and for the first time noticing the clothes she was wearing. Old school. Probably as old as the house.

''Not now anymore. One of my husbands patients dismembered him and ...'' she stated with tears rolling down her cheek.

''You are one of them aren't you? One of the ghosts living here?" she said now slowly sitting up and crawling away.

She smiled wiping her tears away '' come on lets get you out of here'' she then proceeded to follow the girl up the stairs with a supporting hand on the small of her back and the other one grasping a handkerchief.

''Oh god , where is Michael?'' I asked looking around noticing the blonde women walking down the stairs again.

''He is fine , Moira is taking care of him'' she said from the bottom of the stairs as the door shut once more.

She walked in the kitchen seeing Moira sitting there staring at Michael who was just smiling playing with the same yellow toy car.

'' Oh God , dear are you ok?'' Moira asked rushing to the girls side looking at my face '' What are you going about telling your parents?''

''I'm fine Moira '' she said taking a step back slightly turning her face to push the old woman hands away. '' I'll just make a lie about some accident as I was unpacking. It's not like they would believe me '' I whispered the last part walking over to where Michael was sat looking for any injuries on the boy.

'' Taddy never does that to me I didn't thought he would hurt you'' Michael said looking up at girl with his big blue eyes.

''Wonder why'' Moira mumbled walking out , just as she did there was a knock on the door.

'' Come on its probably your mother '' she said grabbing his hand walking up the stairs to get his bag, too scared to leave him alone again just incase he finds his way to the basement again.

''Oh hey dear'' Constance said smiling picking up Michael '' Hey baby , have you been a good boy?''

''Yeah, we just ate toast , and I read a story to him , he fell to sleep and we played for a bit'' She said purposefully leaving out the part about being attacked by the demon child living in her basement but as Constance's eyes met her face all hope of avoiding the conversation disappeared" Dear god , what happened to your face?"
She quickly brought a hand to her cheek where she could now feel dried blood and turned her head slightly around "uh, just had an accident unpacking some books"
"Be carefull,honey" she said smiling walking away "can you look after him next week same time?"
"I.."She got ready to protest but as she  looking down at Michael smiling hopefull at me all that disappeared from her body and instead she sighted "I think so"
"Thank you dear"she said walking away "see you next week"

She closed the door sighting walking up to my room trying to avoid the speech she could feel radiating from Moira and laid down on her bed but before she could be consumed by her thought a pling from her pocked signalising a text stopped her.

-Hey Si, finished packing up the house?

- And why do you care?

-Such a nice greeting , started to feel beloved here.

-You shouldn't.

- Do you want to hang out today?

- And tell you my adress so you can show up at night and kill me.

- Now who tf sniched on me

She couldn't help the chuckle leaving her lip at the boy's stupidity.

-Fine , just don't make much mess when you kill me. 939 berro drive.

- Just going to grab my axe , will be there soon.

'' Hey, are you ok? Moira told me what happened'' she almost jumped up from her meeting the owner of the voice. Tate.

''How do you always seam to get into my room so easily?'' she questioned him but after seeing the frown on his face a sight instead left her lip while she shook her head'' I'm fine , just had a accident unpacking.

He laughed a bit before walking in sitting on her bed '' Not everyday people meet Thaddeus and dont sit up here crying their souls out''

''So the vampire toddler is common knowledge? '' she raised an eyebrow throwing her head back against the pillow '' Should probably come with the tour of the house''

I sighted looking to the chuck board with I love you written on spacing out when his voice started her'' she was something special'' he said with his eyes glued to the same spot as her "I tried to be there for her , I saved her life but after she found out about... something she asked me. Some people just dont believe in second chances"
She sat there for a while in silence, scared of saying something wrong before finally deciding to say "I my self hate when people say 'I'm sorry ' to things that is not their problem so I wont say that"she started looking him in the eye with one rare  smile " no one is born a bad person , people around us make us bad and I think its horribly wrong that one person has to suck up for what the word around him have caused."

He finally tore her gaze away from the wall and turned to her with a loop sided smile "what caused you to go bad?"

"Being alive probably" she shrugged shortly finding a smoke from the bed side drawer before walking to the window and lighting it " I would share but these are the only ones I have" she shrugged taking a drag in and out.

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