Chapter 3

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"Kai... What are you doing here.. We all thought-" Akeno started to explain before Kai quickly cut her off.

"Everyone here thought of me at least a dozen times besides you and Issei. I know that for a fact because when I wasn't busy killing Supernatural Souls in a eternal void, I'd watch what you all would do. Rias would cry herself to sleep every night, Kiba would have breakdown almost every week, but you and Issei... No, you two cuddled and fucked and kissed and never worried a damn about me." Kai said, getting progressively more angry as he talked.

"How did you know that- and wait what eternal?" Kiba asked a bit embarrassed but still relieved and happy his friend returned. Though his was confused, he thought maybe Kai was playing tricks with him.

"Kiba, I don't blame you for not knowing because I seen how much you were affected by my disappearance but I wasn't just gone for those seven months. I was dead. A werewolf killed me. Instead of finding peace, I was just sent to a eternal void where I spent my days pleasing Hades by running tasks for him. It sounds crazy I know but he granted me a new life." Kai said as he sat down on the couch and started to tell them about how he was revived.


"I have a proposition for you." He said as he handed Kai a potion of some sorts. The contents of it were blue and had purple streaks but it smelled absolutely horrible.

"What is it?" Kai asked before taking the potion in his hands and observing it closely.

"It's an Elixir. A special Elixir for you. I used 1/1000 portion of my power to create it for you so be graceful. I rarely use that much power in a year. It can grant your life back with some extra perks." Hades said to Kai with a small chuckle.

"Extra perks? Like what?" He asked, looking at the elixir.

"Super-speed, super-strength, the ability to use magic, and my favorite, immortality. Well basically immorality. The only way you'll be reversed of it is to take the cure. I'll give you about 70 years give it take before you'll want that cure so you can live out a human life."

"The cure?"

"Yes, the cure. You don't make these things without having a cure. Just shoot yourself to come see me when you want it." Hades said.

"Excuse me? Shoot myself?"

"You'll only be dead for 10 minutes. I'll give the cure then. Whenever you need it."

"I understand but why am I taking it? For someone else to kill?"

"There is a bunch of entities of the Supernatural side that want to destroy the peace. I don't mind sending the souls to where they need to go but I usually need to evaluate and if there are too many souls I may send them to the wrong place. So I'm trusting you with the job of eliminating them." Hades said as Kai reluctantly started chugging the elixir.


"And that's how I've been reborn. It was pretty crazy to say the least but that's the story. I just wanted to come back to see you all one last time before I make my way off again." Kai said, his eyes lingering on Akeno.

"Kai, I'm sorry but I just-"

"It's okay Akeno it doesn't bother me. I hope he makes you happier then I did. I need you to go off anyways to do something. And see someone too.. Bye guys." Kai said as he got up to leave but Kiba guarded the door.

"I'm going with you. We have a fuckton to catch up about." He said as Kai smirked and they both left the clubhouse.

Kai was planning on visiting Azazel's and while they were on the way, Kiba told Kai about everything that had happened over the past seven months. From when he tried confusing to his crush, Tsubaki, from when they started dating briefly for three months.

"So what are you?" Kiba asked, changing the entire subject.

"Hm? What do you mean?" He questioned back, confused.

"Like you're immortal because a werewolf killed you. And you hate wolves now... are you a vampire? Hmm 'Edward'.. Would that make Issei 'Jacob' or no." Kiba said with a chuckle.

"Hmm too soon cunt. But yes I guess he'd be Jacob but I thought that Bella thot chose ME. Or erm, Edward. Now anyways I'm not a Vampire. I'm a Immortal. I have a lot of cool abilities and a immortal body. It doesn't technically make a Vamp though since I don't need blood and I don't get weaker in the Sun." Kai retorted as they finally arrived at Azazel's.

When they entered his place, he saw Azazel with a bottle of whiskey playing some music from 1920s. When Azazel saw him, he smiled and jumped from his seat to give him a hug.

"Thought you died, kid. What happened?"

"I died."

"Oh.. Well how are you here now... Unless you're an-"

"I am a Immortal. And since there are only one more of us in existence currently, I need your help finding my Staff. Hades said you'd know where to get it."

"The staff? Hmm how much did he tell you. You must have been dead for a while if you already know about the staff."

"Seven months, Boss. I need to know where that staff is?"

"Wait why? What staff and what does it do?" Kiba asked.

"It's full of the magic I need to use to kill the Devil."

A/N: So you guys want Xenovia and I want Asia... so Rias it is😚. Anyways I'm probably going to experiment with both Xenovia and Rias and whichever feels natural to write will be Kai's love. Just saying though it may be Rias because Akeno left him for Issei and Issei left Rias for her so they'd have more in common but yeah. Hoped y'all enjoyed and come back tomorrow or the day after to see what happens next.

He Always Came First (Cheater Akeno x OC)Where stories live. Discover now