Breathe it in and we can fly

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The first time Jisoo decides to hit that new, quaint little café that opened up down the street, she hopes that their coffee is cheaper than that damn Starbucks in the middle of campus. As much as she craved a caffeine hit in the morning before class, she never really looked forward to the stab at her wallet. And she wouldn't mind a change of pace in her schedule too; it didn't hurt to jazz things up, try new things, and meet new people every now and then.

So on a bright Monday morning, Jisoo adjusts her bag on her shoulder before pushing open the door to the café.

And like all cafes, the aroma of coffee cascades into her senses, and as the door shuts behind her, she tilts down her sunglasses to get a better look within. She meets, first, a short line to the cashier; so as she waits idly in line, she glances across to the menu displays above, behind the counter.

By the time Jisoo gets to the front, she casts a cursory glance to the cashier as she says, "Could I have--"

And then she does a double take, eyes widening as she goes completely breathless.

Gorgeous. Beautiful. Absolutely stunning.

She can't resist the impulse to completely take off her sunglasses as she stares, unabashed, at the cashier; a woman her age, her brunette hair gorgeously done And then the eyes -- , Jisoo gulps, who even allowed this –

"--you," Jisoo finishes, her brain shot blank.

The cashier raises her eyebrows, although a smile tugs at the corner of her lips. "Did you just ask if you could have me?"

Whipped back to reality, Jisoo furiously blushes. "N-no! I meant, I meant, could I have Coffee?"

"What kind of Coffee?" the cashier asks smoothly, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Jisoo blanks on an answer again -- she'd completely forgotten what she'd meant to order.


"I could make you the house special blend, if you'd like."

Jisoo wants nothing more than to get away from this conversation as fast as possible, so she says, "Yes, that's fine." She hurriedly tosses a five dollar bill onto the counter, quickly adds, "Keep the change," and then makes to turn away--

But then the cashier asks, "Could I have your name, miss?"

"I'm sorry?"

The cashier holds up a cup, a sharpie in her other hand. "Your name?"

Jisoo can't possibly imagine a worse first impression -- of course the cashier wanted her name for the order, not because she was curious to know more about her or anything. Hopeful idiot.


The cashier smiles at her, and Jisoo is quick to turn away, face burning as she shoves her sunglasses back onto her face.

But after a few minutes, Jisoo hears her name get called; when she steps to the end of the counter and picks up her hot cup of Coffee, she finds her name written in neat, elegant cursive with a heart at the end of it.

Then she glances up in time to see the cashier, turning away and looking behind her to shoot Jisoo another clever smile.

Jisoo hurriedly leaves the coffee shop then, her face hotter than the steaming cup of coffee in her hand. But when she manages to pause and take a second to gather herself a block away, she takes a cautious sip of her coffee -- and finds it to be the most delicious drink she's ever had. A hint of milk as an aftertaste, the drink itself filled with a strong coffee bean flavor that bring a pleasant taste to her tongue. As it warmed the center of her chest, she continued on her way to class, feeling rejuvenated and more awake with each sip.

JENSOO ONE SHOT COMPILATION (CONVERTED)Where stories live. Discover now