The Whole World

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"I can hold the who-o-le world in my hands!"

Lisa nearly gagged when Jisoo put her hands together and cupped Jennie by her cheeks. But of course, the way the younger girl turned red was totally worth the cringe.

"And that," Jennie sighed, "is our cue to go."

The faint clinks of glasses mixed with mirthful chatter had died down at this point of the evening. Rosé nursed her food with care, "it is getting pretty late."

And so here they were, two sets of crunchy footfalls in the snow, a slender drunk girl supported by a slender slightly taller younger girl both gracefully staggering to go home.

"Did I embarrass you?" Jisoo pouted, steadying herself so that she could stand on her own.

"You would never," was Jennie's punctual reply. She reached for Jisoo's hand on instinct, clasping them together with a pleasant familiarity. "But perhaps lay it off on the alcohol next time."

"Hah!" Jisoo flushed. "Get me another bottle of soju. I would demolish you all!"

Jennie shot her a pointed look, but Jisoo merely giggled.

And then her knees buckled. Jennie was quick to catch her by the arms, breaking Jisoo's fall while concern bubbled up inside her. Jisoo was laughing.

"I—I'm sorry." She snickered. "You were right about the alcohol."


"Will you carry me?"

Of course, Jennie was impressive at an innumerable number of things, but— "Jisoo, I literally cannot."

"The great Jennie Ruby Jane!" Jisoo exaggerated a look of surprise, clinging on to Jennie's arm. "Has she finally found her weakness?"

She wasn't exactly wrong.

"Come on. We're just a few steps away," Jennie slides her hand back into Jisoo's, bumping her playfully by the shoulder.

Jisoo throws her a childish expression. "Jennie! I want you to carry m—eee!" The brunette squeaks. Before she knows it, Jennie's arm was behind her knees, knocking the air out of her lungs while she hoisted her up with much effort.

Jisoo's laugh was captivating.

Her arms wound around Jennie's neck, and her nose smushed against the side of Jennie's face. "I love you," Jisoo giggled into her temple, sealing the words with a kiss. The brunette nuzzled into the other woman's neck, appreciative of her warmth, and the younger girl could feel Jisoo's smile against her skin.

The smile was contagious. "You're heavy, Jisoo."

'I love you, too.'

Jennie pretends to whine, but she will carry Jisoo home—because Jennie was Jennie, and she was holding the whole world in her arms.

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