The Writing On Your Arm

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Dr. Jennie Kim slumped down into her chair in the bustling cafeteria of YG Medical Center, her quickly cooling lunch sitting on the table in front of her. Her energy had been depleted over the numerous hours of nonstop emergencies she'd endured over the night shift and she could barely will herself to eat anything. She set her arms on either side of her tray and stared down at the soup she'd chosen, watching the steam rise from the top of the bowl before something on her arm caught her eye. She rarely gave the words there much thought but sometimes the longing to find the speaker of the words was overwhelming, the speaker being her soulmate, obviously. The words appeared on her as a child, and at the time she had grandiose ideas about who her soulmate could be, and how she would meet them. Would it be romantic like in the movies? She used to hope so. These days, however, it was simply unquenchable curiosity that made her give the words a second thought anymore. Especially because of what these four words read.

Will you marry me?

Jennie sighed after reading the words a few times and rubbed her tired eyes in frustration. Who in their right mind would propose to someone they'd never met? The brunette was absolutely convinced that her soulmate must be crazy, there seemed to be no other explanation for it.

"Hey, Jennie."

Jennie jumped slightly in surprise, immediately being pulled out of her thoughts as she looked to her right to find her best friends and nurses, Lisa and Rosé, sit down next to her. The usually energetic girls looked as tired as she did as they, too, slumped into their chairs and leaned their heads back as if they were going to attempt to take a nap.

"Hello girls." Jennie greeted them tiredly as she finally picked up her spoon and dipped it into her soup. "You both look like you've had a rough morning."

"Ugh, don't get me started." Lisa replied, her face scrunched up as if something had left a bad taste in her mouth before taking a small bite of her salad.

Rosé only hummed in agreement as she leaned her head on Lisa's shoulder and closed her eyes.

"So they called you in for the bus accident this morning I'm assuming?" Jennie raised her brows at her friends as they simply nodded. "I should have expected it was you two who kept everyone in line." The brunette chuckled as she took another spoonful of soup into her mouth. When she received two very confused looks in return, she continued. "Dr. Yang had some choice words about a nurse who slapped him as we were receiving patients in the ICU."

"Well Dr. Yang can kiss my-" Lisa started to grumble before a frantic young nurse interrupted them.

"Dr. Kim!"

Jennie whirled around in a panic and stood up, the young girl almost running into her.

"Your coma patient is awake!"

The brunette stared at her with wide eyes for a moment before she turned to Lisa and Rosé, who shared the same expression of shock. Without a word, Jennie pushed past the nurse and walked quickly toward the elevator. She could hear a crowd following her, expecting that Lisa and Rosé had been waiting for this moment almost as much as Jennie had been. Her patient had arrived two months ago with a severe head injury, already unconscious when the ambulance arrived. The brunette had taken care of the girl since the second she left the operating room. Months of silence, stillness, and unquenchable curiosity led up to this very moment. Butterflies filled her stomach suddenly as the four women entered the elevator, and although no words were spoken, Jennie's smile gave away her giddiness to finally be able to speak to Kim Jisoo.

"Her parents have been notified?" She asked as casually as she possibly could and turned to the young nurse standing next to her.

"Of course! They're on their way."

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