Follow in my footsteps (step by step)

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Summary (since this is pretty long)

Jisoo thinks Jennie's a jerk, but she's a jerk who knows how to dance. And Jisoo really doesn't want to look like an idiot at her ex's wedding. Cue Jennie the reluctant dance tutor.


"No." Jennie didn't glance up from where her nose was buried in a book.


"No." Jennie turned the page, completely unfazed.

Lisa stared at her, exasperated. Jennie continued to ignore them.

"Fine. I'm calling in that favor."

Jennie's head snapped up.

"You're calling that in for this?"

Lisa nodded. "Desperate times Kim."

"What does she have over you?"

Lisa gave her a halfhearted glare. "Can't people just want to help their friends anymore?"

Jennie just raised an eyebrow.

Lisa huffed.

"Fine. Not me. Rosé owes her a favor."

Jennie coughed in a way that sounded suspiciously like whipped, but Lisa ignored it.


Jennie sighed. "I don't have a choice, do I? Fine. Tell her I'll do it."

"Awesome. I'll call her right now."


Jisoo scowled, crossing her arms.

Jennie was late. Of course she was.

Jisoo had never really liked Lisa's friend. She was rude to absolutely everyone, probably because she knew how hot she was and took advantage. Being hot didn't give her license to be such a jerk.

But she was desperate. And when Lisa mentioned that Jennie had taken years of ballroom dancing as a kid...well. Desperate times, right? Jisoo supposed she could put up with Jennie for a few hours to save herself from a whole night of humiliation.

When she finally caught sight of Jennie, she let out an exasperated sigh.

"Finally! You took your sweet time."

Jennie didn't even have the decency to look ashamed. She merely raised an eyebrow and shot back a sarcastic, "at your service princess."

Jisoo bit back a grumpy retort. She needed Jennie's help for a few hours. It wouldn't do to piss her off. At least this early on. She still wasn't convinced that Jennie wouldn't walk out when she realized how hopeless Jisoo was at this.

"So why did you ask me to meet you here?"

Jennie didn't answer, shoving a hand into her pocket and extracting a key. Jisoo's eyebrows shot up. This area was fancy. Far too fancy for broke 20-somethings. What was Jennie doing with a key?

Jennie caught her expression and rolled her eyes.

"Relax princess. I didn't steal it if that's what you're thinking."

"I wasn't thinking that."

That was exactly what she'd been thinking. But she was willing to give Jennie the benefit of the doubt.

Jennie gave a rough grunt as she pushed the door open. She walked in, leaving Jisoo to scramble after her so as not to be locked out.

The apartment was old, something regal seeping into the very veins of the architecture.

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