down to ____

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After a long night of writing song lyrics, Jennie was just done.

Her eyelids felt so heavy that she could barely keep them open long enough to check the time.

2:57am. Great.

With an irritated grumble, partially mad at herself and partially mad at the song for just being so hard to write, she turned off her lamp.

Tossing her phone next to her pillow, she collapsed into the bed, wrapping her blanket around her tightly and nuzzling into it as much as possible.

She was so relieved to finally be in bed. She hoped it wouldn't take to long to fall asleep. Thank god it was a weekend.

Just as she was about to complete her goal of dozing off, her phone vibrated and lit up. Groaning under her breath, she grabbed it and squinted at the screen.

Jisoo: are you dtf

Jennie started at the screen, wondering if she was already dreaming or if this was some kind of sleep-deprived hallucination.

Jennie: Jisoo unnie, it's three in the morning. What does that even mean?

Jisoo: dtf = down to fight

Jisoo: it's a music term for face-off, basically a singing battle 

Jennie: Why are you asking me this at three in the morning.

Jisoo: I just wanted to know. Ur a great rapper and vocalist and I'm proud of u and I just wanna see how we do 

Jisoo: so Jennie.

Jisoo: are you dtf? ;)

Jennie sighed. She didn't know what the older girl was up to, but she was too tired to care.

Jennie: Yes, absolutely. We can do it tomorrow.

Jennie: I'm going to bed now. Goodnight, Jisoo unnie.

Jisoo: gn ily

With a sigh, Jennie put her phone down and shut her eyes. She was way too tired to think about this right now.

In her room, Jisoo was trying so hard to contain her laughter that tears were forming in her eyes. She pulled the keyboard up, and scrolled so that the only visible part of the conversation was Jisoo asking her if she was "dtf," and Jennie saying yes. She took a screenshot, unable to keep an enormous grin off her face.

Jennie awoke the next morning in the early afternoon, exhaustion still clouding her senses. She rolled over, slowly blinking herself awake.

She grabbed her phone to check the time, but got distracted when she noticed several new notifications from the BLACKPINK group chat. Curiously, she opened it.

Jisoo: Attachment: 1 image


Rosé: asdkdkjnksj

Rosé: congrats!!!???

Jennie groaned. She didn't know what was going on, but she already knew she was pissed at Jisoo.

Jennie: What?

It took a minute for another message to appear.

Lisa: wait does she not know


Jisoo: ;)

Jennie spent a minute getting angry at them until Rosé finally explained it to her. Then she got even angrier, of course.

Later that night, Jennie got another text.

Jisoo: so Jennie

Jisoo: you dtf? ;)

Jennie: Oh fuck off

Note: dtf means  down to fuck

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