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Third person's P.O.V

       " No. Not anymore... "

Jimin's reply made Jungkook glance at him with questioning eyes.

" You're just saying all these because you're angry..... After you calm down you'll just ............Go back to him... ",
Jungkook said the last part under his breath but Jimin heard it.

" Wrong. I'm not going back to that Disaster person ever. ",
Jimin stated with a slightly angry tone.

Somehow Jungkook found that nickname too funny. He couldn't help but chuckle.

" Disaster person huhh? ",
Jungkook joked.

" Actually more shittier than that. ",
Jimin scoffed thinking about his husband.

Jungkook liked how Jimin was getting comfortable with him.

" What did he do to be this shittier Huhhh? ",
Jungkook asked playfully.

" Do you have cigarettes? ",
Jimin's question shocked Jungkook as he looked back at the beautiful man.

" why? ",
Jungkook asked. Of course he does have cigarettes but he was confused why Jimin wanted them.

" I want to play marble with cigarettes. Now tell me do you have? ",
Jimin sarcastically asked.

" Yes I do... Wait.. ",
Jungkook grabbed his bag by one hand and opened the chain taking out a packet of quite expensive cigarettes and handed it to Jimin.

" You have a nice choice of cigarettes as a driver I see. ",
Jimin said as he noticed the expensive brand.

" well it's my part time job... It's just a odd wish of mine to drive cab.. ",
Jungkook said.

" I didn't ask what you do and who'll give the lighter? Do you really think I'm gonna play marble with cigarettes? ",
Jimin said in a rude tone as Jungkook said about his odd wish.

Jungkook took his bag again but it was hard to find the lighter inside the bag while driving . Jimin got irritated.

" Stop the fucking car you moron! ",
Jimin demanded.

" huhh? ",

" Do you fucking have selective hearing? I said stop the car! ",
Jimin snapped and Jungkook stopped the car in the middle of nowhere.

Jungkook tried to find the lighter but stopped when he noticed Jimin is opening the car door and getting out of it.

" hey! Where are you going? Please wait... ",
Jungkook pleaded with a desperate voice as he was scared of his beautiful passenger leaving him just like that.

" I'm not fucking going anywhere! ",
Jimin exclaimed before opening the car door and sitting on the passenger seat beside the driver seat.

" Sir what... What are you doing? ",
Jungkook asked with a shocked voice as Jimin settled down beside him.

" Ughh I just wanted to sit here. ",
Jimin bluntly said and stared at Jungkook making him gulp.

" But you are not suppo--",
Jimin stopped Jungkook again.

" yes I'm not supposed to sit here I know but it's what I wanted and don't fucking protest! ",
Jimin said taking the lighter from Jungkook's hand.

Jimin placed the cigarette between his lips and lit it up. The view was indeed sexy in Jungkook's eyes as he felt his body suddenly stared to burn with a odd desire.

Late Night Passenger // JIKOOK //✓Where stories live. Discover now