♥ // 5 // ♥

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Third person's P.O.V

     " So you accepted his friendship? ",
Jungkook asked.

" Yes I did. And then the drama started. I started to fall for him and always had a fear of loosing his friendship... Everyone... Every fucking person I knew warned me about him!told me not to interact with him cause he's nothing but a bad news for me . Warned me by telling he's gonna use me, ruin me and then leave.

" so what did you do? ",
Jungkook asked glancing at Jimin.

" I trusted him over everyone and everything. all I saw is good about him... somehow I knew he has a different side too and I knew it cause he showed it to me.. I was first one he told his every secret to. And he was the most kindest, sweetest person alive in my eyes. After knowing what he does and how dangerous he is... I got scared... I cried.. I ran away from him... But it was hard to stay away from him cause I loved him.... More than anything... Then for the first time he cried... For me... He confessed crying like a goddamned baby and told me how he loved me from the very start..... will die without me...and he meant it.. Everytime something happened to me, I mean if I even get a little flu he acts like his world is coming to an end and he'll die any moment... ",
Jimin said.

" Woah... Love story I see.. ",
Jungkook said.

" yeah... But things started to turn wrong from then . I got kicked out from my orphanage just for being with him.. But I simply didn't care cause he was with me... He never cheated like everyone told me he will.... He treated me like a prince...... And I was too blind in the love that I failed to notice how obsessed he was over me..... How insane he was... ",
Jimin said as his face showed a horrid expression.

" He would never leave my side, never let me go anywhere alone, he would fight with anyone who looked at me.... He said he has a fear of loosing me. ",
Jimin said and Jungkook listened carefully.

" He was literally obsessed over me.. He would be so angry and cry if I don't message or call him every hour.... Days passed and it continued...he turned more and more ruthless. He graduated and started business.. Guess what that disaster person is good at anything. He aced in anything he touched..... But again I was so drowned in his love that I didn't see how he was isolating me from everyone. I was alone but he never let me feel like it. ",
Jimin said as a tear slipped from his eyes.

" somehow he always had time for me, always took me to dates and business tours with him, spoiled me...
And turned me into a rich brat I'm now.  I was always an attention seeker and he always fed me well... But it was not normal  ..... I was so blind in his love that I didn't notice how he hurts every one who tries to reach me... Sometimes he would act like my servant leaving his important business behind...  I felt loved... He loved me and that's what I always wished for..... ",
Jimin said wiping his tears.

" it all sounds so...... I don't know... But does he feels toxic to you? ",
Jungkook asked scrunching up his eyebrows.

" I don't know... I really don't know.. He's just too much sometimes... I can't always face his anger..he scares me.. He hurts me unknowingly.. Just like today... I never thought he'll say something like that to me ever.. ",
Jimin said and his voice sounded too broken that it made Jungkook's heart hurt.

" Jimin...  Please don't cry... It's all going to be okay... ",
Jungkook tried to sooth Jimin.

" he hurt me today Jungkook... He hurt me real bad..  I feel like dying... He's the only one I have and he said I'm cheating on him... He said I'm a whore....   ",
Jimin said breaking down all of a sudden.

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