Chapter 3

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Jens POV

Oh shit. My head is hurting like mad and the room is spinning as I sit up. Where am I?  I look down next to me and it dawns on me. Small fragments of last night reappear in my thoughts; dancing with josh, everyone being too drunk to walk, something about a pillow fight? I realise I'm still staring at a fast asleep Josh and I quickly look away. It's not like we haven't shared the same bed before, it's just that this time feels different, something happened that I can't remember...

Suddenly I'm flown back as Josh pulls me back towards the bed.

"Hello beautiful!" Josh smiles at me.

"Josh.. What happened last night?" I stutter

"What? You don't remember?" He asks, looking hurt.

"Well I remember some things like dancing with you, but what else happened? Come on, Josh tell me!"

"Well we kissed for a bit, danced, got drunk and had a pillow fight in our underwear." He says quickly, probably to stop me interrupting, but im still focusing on the first point. Shit! I kissed him? He has a girlfriend oh my god!

"Oh my god, I kissed you?" I say panicked

"No," Josh smirks at the confusion on my face.

"What?" I ask. I'm tired of his game, I just want to know what happened. Before I can ask again, Josh leans in slowly and plants a kiss on my lips softly. I wish I could stay in that kiss forever, but I pull away. "Josh.."

"What?" He mumbles as he tries to lean back in.

"What about Claudia, Joshy?" I resist the urge to give in and welcome his kisses, but he stops trying to lean in. His facial expression suggests that he had forgotten all about his girlfriend, when he jumps off the bed and heads towards the door.  He returns a couple minutes later with a box of cold pizza and throws it at me. He climbs back under the covers and opens the box, but all I can do is stare. He looks like he doesn't even care about Claudia finding out; but I do.

"Josh, come on," I begin, but he doesn't pat attention. "Josh!" I cup his face in my hands so he cannot avoid my eye contact anymore. "We can't tell Claudia about last night, right?"

"I don't want to find my feelings anymore, Jen. Come on." He tries to lean in again but I don't let him. I jump off the bed and throw on my dress from last night and pull over one of Josh's hoodies.  I grab my bag and head out the door before he can stop me.  I hear him come after me but I'm too quick; I'm out of the front door and jogging to the car park when I feel the intrusive flashes of cameras nearing me. Shit, I think to myself and try to find my car keys in my bag. I'm rushing but just as I find them the questions start.

"Jen! Did you stay at Josh's last night?"

"Jen, is joshifer real?"

"Jen why didn't you go home?"

"Jen, are you and Josh in love?"

"Yes." I mumble to all of those questions, because it seems to shut the paparazzi up. I slide into my car just before the tears start. I start the car and drive it out of the car park, my cheeks moistening by the second.

My head is a mess and I don't know where I'm driving to at this point. Why didn't I stay? He would've broken up with Claudia for me... That's all I've wanted since the first hunger games movie came out, damn. Really fucked that one up, didn't I.

I pull into the familiar car park outside my apartment. I jog up the stairs to avoid too much attention from the cameras and hop into the lift. I press button 21 and step out into my apartment. I throw my bag down in the doorway and proceed to fall into the bed and silently cry into Josh's hoodie.

AN|damn, sorry for the short chapter! Another will be up later this week x

Without You - joshiferWhere stories live. Discover now