Peter Parker and the Field Trip to Avengers Tower

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Just a note, I'm Scottish so if any of the American stuff is wrong feel free to correct me.
Also, this is my field trip story which is in a separate book, but I have made some changes.



Peter Parker was dozing in his decathalon practise. Technically his name was Peter Stark-Strange, but he didn't want his school knowing he was the adopted son of Iron Man and Doctor Strange, known as the power couple of all power couples, until the press conference revealing him to the world next month. Of course Ned and MJ knew, but that was because Peter trusted them with his life and they had managed to keep it secret so far. 

The reason for Peter's dozing was the second secret he kept from the school, well this was a secret kept from everyone expect Ned, MJ and his whole dysfunctional family. He was tired from getting of patrol as Spiderman at 2am. 

"Alright, listen up losers." MJ's voice snapped Peter out of his dozing state. "Mr Harrington has managed to secure us a, as he put it, 'once-in-a-lifetime' field trip as a well done for the Academic Decathalon win. So remember to pick up a permission slip on the way out." 

Peter looked over at Ned, and saw his own excitement reflected on Ned's face. The school rarely let them on more than one trip a year. And hopefully this would be the one trip where Peter's patented Parker Luck TM didn't get in the way, but of course it had other ideas. 

"Where are we going?" someone, Flash, asked. MJ turned back around to look at the team. 

"I actually don't know, you'll have to ask Mr H yourself, speaking of which, " MJ trailed off as Mr Harrington entered the hall, and wall led over to the team. He was immediately surrounded by pupils shouting questions at him. Mr Harrington held up his hands and silenced the pupils. "One at a time, and not so loud," he said shaking his head. 

Flash repeated the question he had asked MJ less than two minutes ago. "Where are we going on the field trip?" Mr Harrington looked excited to be talking about the field trip. "Well, it's going to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but it is a surprise! You won't find out until the day of the trip." 

The team, including Peter, groaned at this. Now they are going to have to wait at least 2 weeks to find out where they were going. Mr Harrington looked at the kids groaning around him, then said the rest. 

"Good thing the trip is in 4 days, on Friday." The team cheered and he continued, " So you need to have your permission slip signed by your parent or guardian and returned to me by Wednesday if you want to go on the trip." 

Mr Harrington finished saying this, told them where the permission slips were and walked out, leaving the students to grab their bags and coats, then make their way to the front of the hall to get their permission slips. Peter was on of the last out. He walked out of the front doors of the school to see his team all gathered around a car. 

He walked over to them to see that they were all crowded around his Pop's favourite Bentley. And who would be sitting in the front seats, Tony and Stephen Stark-Strange. It was a good thing no one could see in the front seats. With his enhanced senses, Peter could hear his teammates whispers before he reached them. 

"Oh my god, that is such an expensive car!"

"Does anyone else wish that this was theirs?"

"I wonder who's ride it is?" 

At the last one, Peter felt a slight coil of dread in his stomach. It was definitely going to be questioned why he, 'Peter Puny Parker' , was getting a ride home in such an expensive car. He again thanked the gods that the front windows were tinted and no one could see inside. 

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