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Nickname - I don't really have a nickname, my friends all call me The Fan Girl cause I geek out over Marvel, Sherlock, Hamilton and Doctor Who all the time, but apart from that I don't actually have a nickname

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Nickname - I don't really have a nickname, my friends all call me The Fan Girl cause I geek out over Marvel, Sherlock, Hamilton and Doctor Who all the time, but apart from that I don't actually have a nickname. 💙

Eye colour - I have what I would call Storm Blue eyes, the are a mix of blue and grey with a hint of green in some lighting. 💙

Hair colour - I have ginger/red hair 💙

One fact - I am the oldest of 4, I have two little sisters and one little brother who I love to pieces even though I don't always act like it! 💙

Fav colour - That's hard. I really like red, blue, gold and green. I have trouble deciding which I like best. 💙

Fav place - Either my friends house or my Gran's house by the seaside. 💙

Fav celeb - I have several. In order it goes; Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Holland, Robert Downey Jr, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Matt Smith, Scarlett Johansson, Hayley Atwell and Zendaya. I honestly have a crush on all these celebs, this is what happens when your brain decides to say 'Hey we're bi!' 💙

Fav song - Honestly, the entire Hamilton soundtrack. Maybe some Fall Out Boy or My Chemical Romance if I'm in the mood. 💙

Fav animal - I really like Irish Setters. They are a breed of dog and I find them adorable!! If I get one when I'm older I would either call it Redbeard or Sherlock. 💙

Fav book - The Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. I would definitely recommend the series of you like dystopian fantasy. 💙

Tag 20 - Okay, here goes


Okay, I know it's not 20, but I don't know that many people. 💙

I'll hopefully have an actual part for you by tomorrow evening, but bye for now!!

Love you 3000 💙

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