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Wherever his eyes meet, blood bath is all that he sees.

Rufulous furs battered with blood, golden brown eyes in a fierce staring contest. Quick and fast one pulls the other to the red ground beneath, clawing his way in haste with a trained expertise.

Somewhere in distance, he hears angry growls. Huge black lycanthropes pouncing at each other's throat. Scattered all around lie thousand such beasts, littered around lifeless, all lost to their adversaries.

The sun glares down as his ears drown in growls, eyes bath in blood sucking fights and nostrils brim with the stench of death.

Gore casts its shadows on the fierce war beneath as death ruefully collects souls from the barren land in duty. Macabre dances before his eyes, as heads of wolves are torn apart from their bodies.

Yet more blemished bodies fall back on the ground in defeat, when sharp claws drip with the blood of their enemies and slavering mouths hang open as they revel in their victory.

Then a howl rings through the red sky, blotched in blaring purples and oranges, leaving him with a painful sight of lifeless bodies lain on the ground scattered.

Angry reds, fear-filled yellows and still-in-shock golden brown eyes stare back at him hauntingly, as their battered bodies in a pool of blood leave him trembling in fear of the appalling scene.

Horrified; the king broke away from his nightmare with erratic breath, racing pulse and in cold sweat. Mouth as dry as a desert and aged body trembling like a leaf, his blurred vision cleared away bringing him back to his huge chamber.

For once he wished, he were not a true royal blood gifted with the power to foresee the future in his dreams. Trepidation bubbled up neath his skin, and his hands flew up to shut his eyes tight in refusal to envisage a repetition of the history. Not again.

While Gandhara flourished under his father, Neer and Neruppu clans fell in a blood shedding war. A member from each had broken the rules of clan bounded love. And so a war began, and neer allied with aagayam as did neruppu with nilam. Thousands died from either side and hadn't Kaatru interfered, either of the clans might have vanished off from the surface of earth.

His father who was away from the kingdom, couldn't commute back due to poor weather. And he still remembers the fear in his mother's eyes.

He feared it too, now. An end to any of the clans. A wiped out gandhara.


He wouldn't let such a mishappening occur, let alone sit back and watch until it's too late to fix things back to normal.


"You are back at it," Hoseok deadpanned, "aren't you?"

"What?!" he exclaimed, pulling his hands up in defense, "Is working out wrong now?"

"Of course not," Hoseok shrugged, unfazed, " Working out is fine, but the sparring quarters are built at the other end of the Hall for a reason, " he raised a brow.

It wasn't quite in his routine to be interrupted by Hoseok, but now that he was, all he could muster was—

"Well. .um. . I am the crown prince of Gandhara, so they changed it to this end at my request, didn't they?" he let the rhetoric question hang in air as he mouthed the giggling omegas to play along with him. They did, like always.

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