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"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU LOST HIM AGAIN?" Ryejin yelled. The soldiers had their head hung low, none daring to face their fuming princess, Kim Ryejin.

"We swear on our lives, that we had him right before us, princess" A soldier pointed, following moments of unanswered silence. "But then. . . but then, uh. . we. . uh-" he trailed off, all the courage he mustered dissipating.

"Call me Ryejin for hell's sake. . You can follow your king's orders when in his presence!" She roared back, " And now tell me where the fuck did you lose him?"

"He ran off into the forest, pri- sorry, R-Ry-Ryejin," the soldier squeaked out, head still hung low.

"And what exactly were you doing when he ran off, Beom Seok?" She folded her arms and raised a brow to the soldier shifting around.

" Well. . .you see. . prin- uh- we. . .uh," The man struggled.

"Am not gonna bite," Ryejin said rolling her eyes, despite toning down, "Two of you just tag along, rest can wait here if the king returns," she ordered softly before leading their way into the forest.

A silent hunt into the forest later, she found him huddled against a tree bark. "Here you are, onyx!" She deserted the horse to run towards her pet little chipmunk. "Think you need a few more lessons on behaving better, huh?" She glared, soon giving up to his doe eyes.

She got up, scouring the area before farewell, when a hunched fingure carrying something on it's back caught her eyes. Her hands flew to the sword secured around her waist. The guards followed suite.

It was quite early in the dawn, first lights of light kissing down on them and blotches of clouds bubbling up the sky. It was a clear day, except for Ryejin who was yet to find her brother. Last night, a patrol into the forest went futile and everywhere around left them with dead end about Taehyung's whereabouts. She hadn't yet given up on hope though.

It was windy, the weather. Not too warm or too cold. An ideal weather, Taehyung preferred, she sighed heavily. The figure was too slow on it's steps, almost losing a few before catching itself. The someone (she discerned) on his back must probably be heavy.

"Princess, shall we head back?" one of the soldiers inquired.

"No. . Wait. . There seems to be someone approaching. . ." She pointed at the figured direction. Hand loosening around the sword tied to her torso. Onyx scrambled up her shoulder and made a few sounds and when she turned around, unable to tame him-

"TAEHYUNGIE!!" she hailed, recognising her brother. She ran towards him, tears collecting in her eyes, signalling the guards to follow.

"Rye- ngh," Taehyung grunted, a stranger passed out cold on his back.

"Who is that? Is he the rogue? Have you gone insane, Taehyung? I swear to god-" She babbled.

"Rye, Just- just take him-take him," Taehyung croaked out, his knees almost giving up. Ryejin turned to the guards, "Take him to the healers and drag him back to the courtroom, once he wakes up. Be careful"

But Taehyung, catching his breath, after handing over the stranger with a black robe mumbled a weak "stop" The guards complied. "Don't- Don't take him to the healer, take him to my chamber," he paused to glance at both of them, "Nowhere else"

"Taehyung?! Are you insane?! Why would you-" Ryejin yelled, furious at Taehyung. She couldn't believe her ears but Taehyung confirmed it again.

"Just do as I say," Taehyung ordered the guards, stilled to ground in disbelief. But soon complied, nonetheless.

The faint clip-clop of horse hoof hitting the sod soon faded off, now leaving her with her brother. She began, more tears collecting in her eyes.

"He has wooed you, right? I must have known not to leave you alone with a rogue from-" she sniffeld "well, it's my mistake. . all my fault. . now how can I have my brother back!? Just-"

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