A tiny alchemist accident-part 1

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AN: ok so I thought this would be very cute and funny, I literally came up with this story whilst doing schoolwork- this is a prime example of Edward and Roy attempting to perform some alchemy they found in a book and fucked up.

Third person pov

Roy Mustang and Edward Elric, both respected and powerful state alchemists. respected and powerful they may be, at times even their closest friends could see that they were at their core, idiots. one day, on a well-deserved day off work, Roy and Ed decided that it would be a great idea to hold a contest between the two of them. a contest of who can find the oldest alchemy book in the library. the winner would have the power to subject the loser to anything they felt like. Roy especially liked the idea of forcing Ed to drink milk. at some point in their search, Ed came across a childrens story book about alchemy. after reading a few pages of this book, Edward called Roy over to look at it with him. the book contained a scene in which the characters performed some alchemy to turn a seed into a flower. it even showed a picture of the transmutation circle. both the alchemists laughed at the clearly ineffective circle, so much so that they had the brilliant idea of testing it out on themselves. after three rounds of rock, paper, scissors, Roy was chosen to sit in the circle whilst Ed performed the alchemy. both of them doubted that the circle would do anything. oh, boy were they wrong.

Riza POV

I tied Black Hayate up where I normally left him and headed towards the office. I finally reached our workspace to find the entire team and Ed crowding around a little boy with black hair. he looked like he had been crying a lot. realizing that the colonel wasn't around, I asked. "Morning everyone, wheres the colonel and who is this little boy?" they all looked to Ed who nervously replied

"yeah, that little boy is the colonel." the little boy looked at me with his scared eyes. my eyes widened in confusion and concern for him. it was clear to me that the others had virtually no sense of how to comfort this poor boy. he was still crying his eyes out and shivering. I walked over slowly and knelt down in front of him. I put my hand on his shoulder and asked

"What happened here?" I looked to Ed who I assumed was responsible for this.

"we were looking through this old children's book about a character performing alchemy on a seed to make it grow into a flower and we didn't think it would actually do anything so we tested it for fun and this happened. he doesn't remember anything but his name and some aspects of who he is and who anyone else is. As in he can kinda sense something familiar about all of us." he explained. I facepalmed in disbelief. Those idiots, how could they even think of doing something so stupid? I looked back to the boy who had now been clinging to my arm as if it were a teddy bear, my sleeve was drenched in his tears. Breda looked down at him too.

"well that's a change, he didn't want to be near any of us yet alone cling onto us for safety." he remarked. I put my arm around the now very little colonel.

"well I guess that since youre his bodyguard and all, he might sense that he's safe around you or something." Havoc pointed out. I looked at him in confusion.

"wait, didn't you say he cant remember us?" I asked. Feury then pointed out to me that what Ed was trying to say earlier was that Mustang couldn't remember us fully but could sense something familiar about everyone. I slowly and gently removed Roy from my arm, lifted him up and carried him to one of the empty couches so that he didn't feel so crowded. he hugged me tightly, his little hands grasping onto my blue jacket as I attempted to hush his sobs. I sat down with him on my lap stroking the crown of his head.

"hey, its okay, were going to help you. uh-um... Roy, what do you remember about what happened?" I asked almost in a whisper.

"I-I don't know? I-I d-don't wemember a-anything and Im scared" he sobbed. "but youre wess scarwy so I wanna stay wiv you," he tightened his grip.

"That's ok, you can stay with me as long as you want, but right now lets get you something warm to drink so you can calm down." I looked down at his sweet little face which was now looking back up at me. I could sense the others staring at me and him. I looked around for the least intimidating person in the room, which so happened to be Feury. "hey, Feury, do you mind sitting with him for a moment whilst I get us all some drinks. Im sure we all need something to calm down right about now."

"Youre gonna weeve me?" Roy asked me with fear in his voice. as Feury sat down next to us, I explained to him as gently as I could.

"Roy, sweetie, Im not gonna be gone for very long, ok. don't worry I'll only be in the next room, youre safe with Feury he wont hurt you, I promise Ill be back as quick as I can." he finally shuffled off my lap and sat next to Feury. I took everyone's orders and Edward offered to help me which was good of him considering he was most of the reason this even happened.

AN: I think its pretty cute so far, I have part two all ready to go so double upload, yay.

Luv yas all

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