Zoom calls be like-

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Shree(Me) : *Looks at Vian's screen* Vian, turn on your camera. Your not special.

Quacko : YOU SHOULD- *Zoom-video flickers* YOUR VID- *Zoom-video still flickers and ended up being turned off*

Cluqid : *Starts music*

Shree(Me) : *Coughs*

Quacko : Sorry, my mic gave up. Frosti's in the party with Kaith-nicole- I forgot, THAT BOI NAMED CHARLIE TOTALLY SUCKS.

Cluqid : I think because he accuse people too much!

Isa-Rasche : Sorry, I'm late! Well, I was eating my breakfast then I do my homework and finally I went to Cluqid's meeting fast! Sorry guys, I totally suck when I have bad grammar.

Shree(Me) : It's okay, Isa. Let's continue the conversation with calm reacting~

Quacko : Oof, so, I totally hate Charlie. Why, because he talks too much!

Isa-Rasche : He did not talk to much. Cause, he's precious! I kinda like Rosalie and Charlie when I play "Flicker". So, DON'T CALL ME TOXIC!

Quacko : What? Ummmmmm..... Are you Charlie? Cause, If you him from the video ARE TOXIC with no offense.


Oofy-girl : Guys please don't fight, just because your like the character like Charlie doesn't mean you don't have to be rude if the others call Charlie toxic becuase it's their opinions not yours.

Isa-Rasche : No, Oofy, I said I HAVE THE SAME PERSONALITY!!

Shree(Me) : That looks bad..

Vian : *Turns on Zoom-video* Stop guys, don't argue please..

Quacko : Bruh, just cause Charlie was so annoying and you hate me. Actually, I don't care if you do like I know you. Also, I was talking about Charlie not you..

Vian : Uhh, Okay. So, what happened?

Isa-Rasche : Me and Quacko are fighting because Charlie is my favourite character but she hate him because he was toxic!

Vian : Why?

Quacko : Because, Isa-Rasche talks to much!

Isa-Rasche : I do not talk to much! Anyway, your always walking like this, "Ooh, look at me! I'm Quacko!"

Quacko : See what I mean?

Isa-Rasche : And you say this,

Quacko : That's nothing like me!

Isa-Rasche : No wonder anyone likes you, we stopped and you started it again!

Mitzie : Because, Charlie was such a idiot, I have to puts some tips in my notebook.

Cloudy : I officially hate drama if I rather to love Charlie and Rosalie with my heart.

Shree(Me) : Well, I like your shirt, Mitzie.

Mitzie : Thank you, my mom stole it from walmart.

Shree(Me) : Huh!?

Mitzie : She'd been boosting.

Cluqid : So, guys, can I talk about the story of Annie and Amani's climax story?

Quacko : Sure, Cluqid.

Shree(Me) : Yes.

Isa-Rasche : YEAH BOII!!

Mitzie : Let's do this!

Cloudy : Bring it on, climax!

Oofy-girl : Yeah, take out the climax!

Cluqid : Okay, let's start. It all started when Annie and Amani were kids. Their parent are fighting at midnight.

Mitzie : Huh, what!?

Cluqid : And then, Annie and Amani's mom kicked their dad out.

Shree(Me) : ... What she kicked him out for?

Cluqid : Cause, he cheated at her

Isa-Rasche : Nani!?

Cluqid : -With his new girlfriend.

Quacko : THAT WAS TOXIC!!!

Huong : Let's talk about that later. Charlie was a bit mean in his nightmare. But, he is really nice in real life.

Ria : Yeah, I agree with her but we seldom hate him.

Norjet : Oh boi, I bet me and Charlie can dig in to Flicker-movies!

Shree(Me) : That was close.. Back to normal again.

Note - Sorry for not posting for a long time. You see, I didn't used my phone. Well see ya!

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