Chapter 2

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I walked down the stairs while holding the strap of my backpack.

When I got down both my parents and Lily was already there, and when I got closer to them my sister was staring at me, ah no, it was more like she was checking me out.

"What?", She narrowed her eyes still looking at me.


What now?

"You're so ugly.", She looked at me in disgust. If he really isn't my sister, I could've already choked her, even infront of our parents.

"You're both sisters, so you two look alike.", Mom said and laughed.

"What? No!/What? No!", Lily and I both said in unison before looking at each other in disgust. After seeing her face everyday for a decade, I don't think so.

"Mom, look closely.", Lily said and stood beside me. "She's ugly, while I'm not.", She pointed me and herself. Mom just laughed and signalled Dad to walk out first and I ran to catch up to him.

"Wait! Mom hasn't said anything yet!", I ignored her and got inside the car first.

"Why is she still sitting there?", I whispered to Dokyeom and he just shrugged his shoulders. It has been four days since the person sitting in front of me is absent, and since then this pink unicorn girl has been sitting beside Joshua.

"Oh, by the way, did you do your homework?", Dokyeom asked and I creased my forehead while nodding.

"Yeah, why?"

"I forgot to do mine. Can I copy yours?", He clasped both of his hands."Please...", and looked at me with his hopeful eyes. I immediately furrowed my brows.

"Gross..., but okay since you let me copy yours the other d—"

"Here. You can copy mine.", I was about to give my notebook to him but Joshua placed his notebook on Dokyeom's table first.

"Really? Thanks Josh!", Joshua just smiled at him.

What if I didn't do my homework too... Will he lend me his?

No way!

But what's with and the homeworks lately? He checked on me if I did it and now he's lending his to Dokyeom?

He's becoming weird lately, unknowingly weird.

After some minutes, our teacher finally arrived and at the same times Dokyeom finished copying Joshua's homework too.

"Good morning class!", The teacher greeted, and we all did too after too.

"Here Josh.", He gave Joshua's notebook back. "Thanks!", He whispered and Joshua just nodded while smiling for a brief moment and brought his eyes back infront again.

"So today, we're just going to have an activity as we the faculties, will have an urgent meeting.", All my classmates exclaimed saying stuffs that it's really a great that we won't be having class today.

"Okay, calm down. Calm down.", Our teacher shushed them and they did, but I still could hear unclear mumbles.

"Yes! I can play with my phone all day!", I heard Dokyeom. 
And Yes! I can do whatever I want too.

"So your activity is...", The teacher opened his big notebook and searched through it. Oh right! The activity! Please don't be something complicated.

After announcing what our activities gonna be, the teacher immediately rushed outside.

Great. Just great.

We've been grouped into pairs, and according to our teacher, our pair should just be our seatmates. It's not like I'm complaining that Dokyeom's gonna be my pair but Joshua... He's paired with the newbie.

I sighed looking at the both of them just infront of me and after to Dokyeom who is busy playing on his phone.

"Hey! Will you stop that.", Dokyeom gave me a quick glance before diverting his eyes back to his screen again. I stared at him in disbelief.

See? Being paired with him is the worst too.

"Just a minute.", He said and constantly tapped his phone.

I looked at my written work and I was already halfway finishing it and Dokyeom didn't have any contributions at all.

"So, where were we?", He asked looking at our paper while putting his phone back to his pocket.

"Correction.", I sarcastically smiled at him. "Where was I.", I continued, emphasizing the word 'I' just to make him face that he literally didn't contribute anything.

"Yeah Yeah, whatever.", he pressed his lips together into a thin line while wiggling his head and rolling his eyes, and it's really annoying seeing him do so. I just heaved a long sigh before grabbing my pen and started writing again.

While thinking of more answers, I took a glance at him and he was just looking out the window resting his head on his palm. I just stared at him but my mind was still thinking, then suddenly he turned to face me but he just confusingly looked at me.

"What?", He asked but I chose to ignore him. I narrowed my eyes, as the answers was already at the tip of my tongue but I still couldn't think of the right words.

"Can you explain to me what you're doing now? What if the teacher will ask me and I have nothing to answer.", He told and I sighed after he just cutted my own train of thoughts making me forget everything. I massaged my temples before straightening the papers.

"Okay, just listen.", His face lit up and he clasped both of his hands, waiting in anticipation.

"So uhm..., so watermelons...", I took a glance at him and he raised his brows. "...grow on tree's and becomes ripe after just a week.", I tried to mess with him. If he believes this, I don't know what to think of him anymore.

"Really?...", He looked up the ceiling, pouting and I was left with my lips parting. "What if they're super ripe and fall, isn't it a disadvantage? How did they manage to save alot when it will fall of the tree in just a short span of ti—"

"Of course they don't grow on tree's!", I cutted him off just to stop him from blurting out more nonsense.

"But you said—"

"Even how Watermelons grow, you don't know?", This is really unbelievable. Who knew that he could be this naive?

"It's your fault."

"Why is it my fault?", We both widened our eyes at each other.

"You told me so, if you told me the truth, I would've known.", My nostrils widened. Shouldn't he have known since he was like in prep?

"Didn't you watch any nursery rhymes when you were like, still a baby? I mean it's probably in one of those so—"

"DK!", Joshua suddenly turned his head to face Dokyeom. "Watermelons grow on vines and they're already on the ground that's why when they get bigger they don't fall and break."

"Ohh...", Dokyeom nodded his head while Joshua just chuckled looking at him.

"And I thank you for explaining.", I told Joshua, one corner of my mouth lifting. "But... How did you know we were talking about that? It's not even in our activity.", His beam disappeared as he bit his lower lip and he even swallowed his own saliva just by seeing his Adams apple move.

"Just... You should finish your—"

"It's okay, you don't have to explain.",Dokyeom tapped his shoulder. "You had enough explaining.", Joshua then grinned a little, looking at Dokyeom then at me.

"Okay, I—I'll just help Alliza finish our activity.", He turned to look infront again and the moment he did, I diverted my eyes to Dokyeom who was now grinning brightly. I immediately frowned and tend my attention to the paperwork's.

This day is really weird and it's not even halfway yet.

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