Breakfast in Bed

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One morning, Chase woke up before Maddie and when he looked over at she was sound asleep and she looked beautiful. As he laid in bed he thought, what could I do special for such a beautiful girl. He decided he was going to make her breakfast in bed. Chase took Milo out to go to the bathroom and when he came back up he looked and she was still asleep. He started the coffee pot and made eggs over medium, turkey bacon, whole wheat toast and put some fruit that Maddie cut up last night on the plate. Milo ran into the bedroom because he heard his mama waking up. Milo jumped on the bed giving her morning kisses. Chase heard Maddie say "Good Morning Mi." Chase walked in with a tray that had two plates and two cups of coffee. She smiled at him and said "Breakfast in bed, Wow no guy has ever done this for me." Chase smiled and leaned in to give her a kiss and said " good morning Mads and  you deserve it, I know it's been a long days at work and you always wake up early with Milo and fix me breakfast, so it's my turn to serve you." Maddie couldn't help but smile.
Maddie: WOW I really am luckiest girl in the world.
Chase: I'm the luckiest guy in the world because I get to live my life with the most beautiful girl and the best dog in the world. Maddie leaned over and gave him a kiss on the lips. Maddie and Chase finished breakfast in bed. Chase turned to Maddie and asked her what she wanted to do today since the had the day off. Maddie quickly answered " this is what I want to do today cuddling with the best boyfriend ever and the best puppy." Finally after laying in bed all morning they moved to the couch where they are cuddled on the couch with Milo watching Money Heist. Chase was so happy with his life and he knew he found THE ONE.
Chase looked down at Maddie and asked her what she wanted in the future? Maddie turned and looked at him and said "A family one day, but for now I want to spend my days and my nights you the man I love. Chase smiled and kissed her forehead and said "I love you so much"
Chase had a million thoughts going through his head. He turned to Maddie and said "let's go to the lake house"
Chase: we only work until noon tomorrow, so we can leave after and have a long weekend just the two of us. Maddie smiled
Maddie: Chase I love that idea, but what about Milo?
Chase grabbed his phone texted Rudy
Chase: hey Rudy, what are your plans this weekend?
Rudy: Nothing, why what's up?
Chase: Would you want to watch Milo this weekend?
Rudy: Of course I would. We need some uncle/nephew bonding time since you can't bring him to work with you. Where are you two lovebirds going this weekend?
Chase: I'm taking Maddie to the lake house just her and I for a little weekend getaway. We haven't had a weekend to ourselves since we got Milo.
Rudy: Okay sounds like a nice weekend. I'll take good care of your baby.
Maddie got up and made a list and gathered all of Milo's favorite toys for his weekend with Uncle Rudy.

Let me know if I should continue......

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