Family Photoshoot

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It was the day they were getting family photos done with Milo. Maddie woke up early with Milo. When she came back from letting Milo out she started the coffee pot. She was look in the fridge deciding what she wanted for breakfast when she heard footsteps then felt Chase wrap his arms around her waist saying "Good Morning my beautiful fiancé" Maddie turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck and smiles because she loves hearing him say Fiancé. She said "good morning to you too" them gave him a kiss. As they were staring into each other's eyes Milo is jumping up at them wanting some attention. They break apart and Maddie picks up milo and takes him to the couch while Chase fixes their coffee. Chase brings Maddie her coffee and they are sitting on the couch scrolling through tiktok. Maddie turns to Chase and says " we should get ready we have our pictures today." Maddie had their outfits picked out and Milo had a bandanna that said "My humans are getting married" and he had a chalkboard sign that read the same. Maddie, Chase, & Milo all headed to the beach to get family pictures done. Elaine and Jovis took their engagement pictures and just photos of them.
Later that night he sent some Maddie and Chase some of the photos. Maddie turned to Chase and said I'm posting them. Maddie posted the one of her on Chase's back and arms around his neck and family of photo of the 3 of them on the beach. Maddie and Chase were looking into each other's eyes as Milo was holding a sign saying "My Humans are getting married" Maddie captioned her post "This One part 2." Chase posted on his page saying "Cats out of the bag part 2" he posted a picture of them sitting on the beach with Maddie holding a bottle of wine and the family picture with Milo. Immediately their Instagrams blew up.

A few days later they went over to Maddie's parents house for dinner to celebrate. After dinner they sat on the back deck and just watched Milo have the best time just running in the yard. Maddie looked over at Chase and said " this is what I want one day a yard for Milo and our kids to run in" he smiled and said "definitely." Maddie and her mom had started planning for the wedding since they planned on getting married before season 3 started filming. They planned for a April wedding on the beach in Charleston. Maddie decided her best friend Caroline was the maid of honor, Rylie, Elaine, Lilah and Madison were bridesmaids and Kendall was the junior bridesmaid. Chase made a Rudy his best man and Griffin, Ethan, Evan, Kaden, Drew, and JD to be his groomsmen. They also decided milo would be in the wedding as the ring bearer. Maddie let her mom and Chase's mom help her plan since they both worked long days.

Since we didn't get Milo's photo shoot here's this...... Also working another chapter.

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