Big, Big Plans

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Chase talked to Maddie's parents about how their daughter was his forever. Her parents gave Chase their blessing to marry their daughter. Later that night, while laying in in bed Maddie turned to Chase and kissed him on the lips and said I'm so excited for this weekend with you. He smiled and because he had some Big, Big Plans. Maddie just thinks this is a weekend away just the two of them she has no idea what he has planned. Maddie fell asleep and Chase couldn't sleep he kept thinking how he was going to ask her. He knew she loved going to his family's lake house even though she's only been there 3 times. Chase finally fell asleep.
6:00am alarm goes off
Maddie rolls over and wakes Chase up by giving him a kiss. She said "good morning babe! I can't wait till this afternoon"  Chase smiled and gave her a kiss and said I love you.
Chase and Maddie got out of bed, she put some shoes on and took milo out while Chase got the coffee ready. Maddie came back up and Chase was fixing their coffee to go since. Maddie walked in and wrapped her arms around his neck and said only 5 more hours until our getaway weekend begins. First they dropped Milo of at Rudy's. Maddie said promise me you'll take lots of pictures of my baby. Rudy said I promise. They packed the car and went to work.

A few hours later......
Maddie and Chase were done work for the day. Chase said it's a 3 1/2 - 4 hour car ride to the lake house, so they stopped at Chick fil a Chase got a spicy chicken sandwich with fries and Maddie got a grilled chicken club sandwich with colby  jack cheese and fries. Chase was driving so Maddie was feeding him his fries. They arrived at the lake house and he opened her door and said "let's enjoy this weekend off and dog free" they loved  Milo but it was nice to get sometime alone. They unloaded the car and put all the groceries away. Maddie loved coming to the lake because of the view and she loved being on the water. He saw Maddie on the deck, he walked out and wrapped his arms around her waist and said "Mads want to go for a quick boat ride before dinner?" Of course I do. They went on a quick boat ride before dinner. When they came back they cooked dinner together then relaxed in bed. Maddie could feel herself dozing off as she laid her head on Chase's chest.
Chase looked down at her and just smiled she looked so peaceful. 

The next morning.....
Maddie and Chase were laying in bed when Chase gets a text...
Ding ding
Rudy: Good morning mom and dad

Chase looked at the picture then gave his phone to Maddie and said "look at your boy"Maddie "awe my sweet boy

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Chase looked at the picture then gave his phone to Maddie and said "look at your boy"
Maddie "awe my sweet boy. I miss him so much." Me too said Chase
Maddie finally got out of bed and walked into the kitchen to fix her coffee. She loved the view so she decided to have her morning cup of coffee on the pier and watch the sunrise. Chase grabbed the ring from his bag, then grabbed his coffee and headed to the pier. Chase walked down surprising her. He kissed her on the top of her head
Chase: Mads I love you so much! I can't wait to build a future with you, have some cute good looking babies and grow old with you! You are who I want to spend the rest of my life with. Maddie was confused, but she loved hearing Chase talk about the future.
Chase got down on one knee and professed his love to her and said "Madelyn Renee Cline will you marry me? Maddie was smiling from ear to ear she says YES 100% YES Chase Stokes! I want to spend the rest of my life with you and have cute good looking babies with you.  Chase put the ring on Maddie's finger and Maddie says "Wow Chase it's beautiful!"
Chase and Maddie were so excited they could not wait to tell their family and friends. Maddie FaceTimed her parents first, then his mom, step dad, dad, and step mom and all their friends. They spent the rest of their weekend celebrating! Later that night as they were laying in bed Maddie was looking at her ring admiring how beautiful it was and turned of to face Chase and said " I can't wait to be Mrs. Madelyn Stokes."

The next morning they went for one last boat ride before heading home they could wait to see Milo.

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